18. Remember me

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I went first, because I was feeling the strongest of us all and I guess because I was showing leadership. Trying to lead this pack of different people back to their homes. My heart was pounding. Each step that I took closer to the outside, I could feel uncontrollable rage, but now I noticed that these emotions were not mine. Reid! I was starting to feel him, but it seemed different. He was angry. No, he was in rage. Looking for me. This was really bad. What if he was here? Somewhere close to here? I could not let him kill all these people in his rage.

A werewolf without its mate loses the purpose to live. In my case, my mate was beyond angry. Somebody had touched me and that meant death for that person. In this case, he will not see who the person is, he is attacking. I needed to find him and fast. If not, I did not want to think what would happen. The better question what he had already done?

-‘’Come on. I think we have a chance at this.’’- I told Theresa, who was next to me, trying to be my bodyguard or something.

-‘’How do you know?’’- She asked me, while listening to the front. If somebody hears us, before we get out, it will be bad.

-‘’Because I think my mate is here.’’- I did not want to scare anybody, but they needed to know that there was a possibility, that Reid was here and that meant that his pack was here too. I could not hear anything. That was really annoying.

We finally got to the door. I touched the handle and opened the door. The smell of fresh blood hit me. I could hear my friend’s freeze in their places, when they smelt it too. I did not let that stop me. I went out. We were in a house. It was small, but the cells were big. What is going on?

I could hear growls and hitting sounds. There was a fight outside. The scent of blood was unbearable, but I had no choice, but help everybody to get out of here. I looked for an exit. I went to the front door, opened it and I saw a battle field. There were vampires, werewolves and many others. I opened my mouth in shock. It was a chaos. Shit, I can not get them out through here. I closed the door, before everybody saw that. Theresa had seen it.

-‘’What are we going to do? It is a war outside there.’’- She was panicking, but I tried to think of what to do. If this house had front door, then there should be back door too.

I pushed aside all the people that were swarming in the first floor of the house. I ignored them. Finally I got to the back door. Opened it again and saw that there were fighting people too, but less of them. Shit. What now?

-‘’We are trapped here.’’- Said somebody behind me. I looked back at them. They seemed desperate. –‘’We will stay here forever.’’- A little girl cried out. What I should do? Before I could look for my mate in this chaos, I needed to get these people away from here. They were too weak to fight in this pointless battle.

I looked back at the fight. I saw Michael. He snapped somebody’s neck and then looked straight at me. His eyes widened. Then I knew what I needed to do. I nodded at him to come here. I hoped that I could trust him. Please be right, Christy about him.  I begged and then looked back at all the prisoners. We were so close. I would not give up. -‘’Then we are going through this fight. Intro the woods.’’- They looked at me like I was crazy, but I did not care. We would get out of here.

-‘’Ruby! Oh my god. You are alive.’’- Michael finally got to me. He had many bruises on him. It was no wonder.

-‘’There is no time to talk. I need to know if I can trust you, Michael.’’- I looked at him with serious eyes. He looked back at me with surprise in his. –‘’I need your help.’’- I added to my sentence.

-‘’Of course, you can. What do you need?’’- Michael nodded, then I and Theresa let him see all the people inside the house. His eyes widened.

Wolves (NaNoWriMo13) (Under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now