3. Denial

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Okay, this is the third part of my story. After I finish this story, I'll edit it, but right now, enjoy it. :)


Slowly my mind was waking up. For some unknown reason I could not feel my wolf, but I felt so tired, that I could not even think about that. My feelings were muffled and my heart was aching. Was I dead or just sad about something? For some reason I could not remember what had happened. Where exactly I am now?

I tried to open my eyes, but it seemed hard to do that, but after a while my eyes opened and adjusted to the surroundings. It was a clean room. It looked like pack hospital. A place in the pack house, where went all the sick and injured wolfs.

My body froze, when my ears picked up a weird noise. Did somebody just moaned in pain? What had happened? Hey!? Are you there? I tried to get my wolf to talk, but for some reason she was silent. My memories were fuzzy. What was the last thing she could remember?

A sound came from the place, where the door should be. Somebody was talking outside. She could hear two voices, but because of her lack of strength, she could not understand what they were saying. Suddenly one of the guys outside started to talk. His voice was smooth and for some reason my wolf stirred restlessly. She wanted to go to that voice. Are you okay? Do you know him? But she did not answer. It was like she was out of it. As if broken... My body froze in that moment. Col! –''Oh my god...''- Tears started to form in my eyes. After a second I was crying. Now I remembered what had happened. Where was he? Was he okay? She had fainted in that fight. –''Col...''- My whispered his name, while tears were falling on the clean bed sheet. I got the blanket off of me and tried to stand up, when somebody suddenly grabbed me.

-''No, you are injured. You can not go out of the bed yet.''- This voice was the same from the outside. His presence left her breathless. For a moment she forgot what she was doing. His hands were warm and voice calming. My wolf purred for some unknown reason. What are you doing?  I snapped at her in anger. Who was this guy?

-''I do  not care. Where is he? Where is Col?''- With all my remaining strength I slapped the guy's hands away from me. The unknown man growled as if he did not like my action. -''Where is he?''- When he did not answer, I persisted and looked at him in the eye. My wolf froze in confusion, as if she could not understand what was happening, but I did not care about that right now. I needed to see Col.

-''I do not know who is this Col, but one thing I am sure of, you are not going anywhere.''- His voice steady, but I sensed a warning from him. His face held no emotion.

-''You are not my father, so back of. I have no time for somebody like you.''- This guy was getting on my nerves. I had to find my mate, not stay here with this stranger. And who the hell is he?

-''Excuse me?''- For some reason he looked surprised and hurt at my words. –''I am your...''- He did not complete his sentence. Suddenly I heard a commotion outside this room and then the door opened and there stood my best friend Iris. She looked really pissed and worried at the same time.

-''Oh sweety, I knew you were awake.''- She ignored the guy beside me and went straight to me. Then she hugged me. –''I am so sorry, Ruby. Are you okay? I told you not to go. Why did you not listen to me?''- Iris was scolding and crying on my shoulder at the same time. For a second I looked at the stranger, who was uncomfortably standing there as if he did not know what to do now.

-''Uh, I am sorry Iris. I am truly, but I need to find Col. Where is he?''- I was determined to find him and even Iris would not stop her from finding him. Iris stiffened in my grasp. She backed away from me. Now I could see her face. She had puffy, red eyes.

-''You do not know? Did you not tell her?''- She looked at me and then at the stranger. Why was she looking at him annoyingly? Make her stop. Oh, now her wolf was talking. I have no idea what are you talking about. I snapped at her. Seriously, what was happening?

-''What I...?''- But the stranger cut me off, looking at Iris with as annoyed face as hers was. – ''Well, I just arrived, so I had not had the time to tell her. Besides we have problem.''- For a moment he looked troubled about something. I want to make his problems go away. Wait, why did I thought of that? Bad girl, bad. You need to concentrate on Col.

-''Okay, seriously you are pissing me off right now. Where is Col? Is he okay? Already out of here?''- Seriously, why were they looking at me so strangely? –''What? Is there something on my face?''- If they will not tell me where Col is, I will get up. I thought to myself.

Iris nervously looked at the stranger, he nodded with his head as if agreeing on something. -''Ruby, he did not make it.''-  I looked at her with a confusion written on my face. What was she talking about?

-''Is he home then?''-  With a confusion in my voice, I asked her. She looked now really uncomfortable. Iris looked at the stranger as if looking for help. He sighted and then looked at me with no expression on his face. – ''He is dead. He died on the battlefield, before you passed out. Do you not remember?''- Without any hesitation he answered to me. For a second I could not process the information, but then the bad memories came back. How there were two wolves. Col and the alpha. He was badly injured before, but after the rogues attack, he broke... No... -''N-no... It can not be... He was just...''- My brain could not process it. –''You...you are lying. He is my fiancé. He promised me...''- I rambled on hysterically. I did not even feel that my wolf was quieter than usual. New tears started to form in my eyes. –''He can not be dead. He is my soul mate. My other half.''- Before I could say anything else, suddenly the strangers face was close to mine. –''No, he is not your mate. You are mine.''- His eyes were now black as night and he looked really angry, but I did not care. –''No, you are not. I do not know you. I love Col, he is my mate.''- I argued with him, while crying my eyes out. After a second, his hands were on my face. I tried to get away from him.

-''G-get him away from me, Iris. Please.''- I was pleading to her, but she just stood there with a sad expression on her face. –''She cannot do anything. You are my mate and I am an alpha.''- Alpha? I stubbornly looked at him. My heart was breaking, but this asshole was trying to lie to me, that he is my mate? –''No, you are not. I do not know you. My wolf does not recognize you.''- I tried to push him away, while crying, but he did not budge. He just looked at me with a determined expression. –''Please...?''- I pushed him again, looking at him pleadingly. Maybe then he would go away. Whatever he was doing to me and my wolf, I did not like it. It was making my thoughts fuzzy and weird. I could not let this guy do this to me.

To my surprise, he finally backed away. –''Fine, I will let you heal, but I am not letting you go. You are my mate and you should remember that. I am not leaving without you.''- After these words, he looked briefly at Iris and then walked away, closing the door with a loud thud. Finally I broke down. I cried and cried. I felt how Iris hugged me and she let my cry until I finally passed out from fatigue.

Wolves (NaNoWriMo13) (Under major editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora