20. A life we all dream of

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After a week of sitting in the hospital, they let me out of there. I was glad, because it started to get really boring and my sleep time had gotten better. Of course I was sleeping more that I should, but I guess my body tried to get all the strength back, because I had reached my limits and even pushed harder. Far too hard, so now it was trying to get all reserves back. It did not really disturb me. My friends visited me all the time. I was hardly alone. Reid was working harder than ever he had, but he every night was with me. I was glad that doctor did not forbid him to stay with me. I guess he knew that I would stubbornly run away to my mate, so he let him stay in the hospital.

After that, Reid waited for a week and then set a ceremony for me. This time he stayed by my side until I got on the stage, where everybody would meet their new luna. To tell you truthfully, I had not thought of this moment until I got there and everybody were looking at me. I was not worried. After the incident, I knew that I had found my inner leader. If I could lead people out of a prison and into safety, then why would I not be okay to rule with Reid?

The best moment of my life was when every one of the pack members cheered for me and Reid. For some reason this was one of the rare moments when I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. Of course I had my doubts, but I buried them beneath the ground and tried to be the best mate, friend and a luna to each and every person.

After a year, I found out that I was pregnant with Reid’s child. I had panicked and thought that I would be a bad mother to my child, but Reid had released all my fears. The funniest thing in all that was that I was the one who was panicking and Reid was the one, who was jumping around in happiness. He had told everybody in our pack, but made them all promise not to tell about our child until it would be born, because we all know how trouble could easily find me.

When we thought if our child was a boy or a girl, it turned out it was both. Yep, we had twins. Everyone was surprised. Don not get me wrong. Of course we tried to learn who we were expecting, but for some reason, little chumps thought it would be funny if they would just keep it a secret. Everyone were happy at the moment. We both had no idea what would the future hold for us, but we knew that we would be ready to fight for what we love.

Wolves (NaNoWriMo13) (Under major editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum