4: Torture

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Stefan thankfully wasn't locked in the tomb thanks to my Witchy interference, although I had finally encouraged Elijah to step into the light. We had gone over what he would tell Elena in order to gain her trust, the doppelganger having already spoken with Katherine about the family slaughter that took place when she ran from Klaus' little ritual. We agreed he should reveal he was the vampire Rose and Trevor kidnapped her for, so a trade could be made--Elena's life to spare Trevor's. We also agreed on him extending the promise to Elena that he would protect her family and friends from any of Klaus' wrath, so long as she continued to live her life as normal, and not let Katherine's words about not running to Klaus and therefore leaving everyone she loved at risk get to her. That was all she needed to hear in order to believe in the man.

I also managed to convince the Original to be transparent about his partnership with the Martin witches, Luca having already caught Bonnie's attention in more than one way. Elijah was in possession of the moonstone so I knew no funny business with the Martin witches memory would occur. Everyone finally knew where they stood, and I was grateful to see things on track, my chipper attitude toward the smooth running of events only cracking when I exited the Grill to see Caroline Forbes in an eerily familiar outfit. Today was the day she was kidnapped and tortured, and while it did speed up the plot between her and Tyler, was that really necessary? He just left after that, and they seemed to slot back into place easily when he returned and they were both almost sacrificed...

I huffed out a breath. Torture can't really be that bad, right?

"Hi Caroline!" My voice was chipper and unexpected, the blonde jumping before she frowned at my appearance.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Oh, how silly of me!" I exaggerated, "I'm the new supernatural creature in town--Damon and Stefan's half-sister, Adelina Salvatore." Recognition lit her features, "You've heard of me?"

"Elena may have mentioned a thing or two," her lips stretched into an honest smile. "You seem to be coming to everyone's rescue."

If only you knew how true that statement was, Caroline... "I try," I gave a half-hearted shrug. "Sorry if I'm keeping you, I just thought it was best to introduce myself to your little gang if I saw any of you. Makes me seem like an actual person rather than a whisper in the wind." She released a small laugh with my playful tone, "I better go, but it was great meeting you."

I took a few steps back, "Great meeting you too!" She offered a wave, my figure refusing to move until she was seated in her car and driving out of sight. I released a shaky breath, my hearing picking up on the cocking of a gun before the world around me became a suffocating darkness.

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