9: Fear

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Two groans signaled life returning to the Salvatore brothers, the haze clouding their mind thanks to their third sibling's spell quickly removed when they both found the doppelganger standing over them, panic contorting her features. "W-what happened to you?"

"Adie," Damon grumbled, struggling to a sitting position as he massaged his scalp-- "Wait," his own voice made him flinch, "Where is she?"

"She told me to find you, it's not safe--"

Blurs altered the air in the hallway, Damons grip on Elena's arms threatening to break the bones. "Where is she, Elena?"

"Ow Damon, you're hurting me--"


"S-she's with Klaus," she gulped at the sight of his glare. "He's p-possessing Alaric, she just told me to run--find the both of you."

The siblings shared a look of horror, fear unfurling in their guts as they tried their best to track her. Stop her... Supernatural hearing guided them to the cafeteria, the stage of their previous fight with Anna's minion way back when they first returned to town. All the doors were sealed the second their sister saw their approach. "ADIE!"

Fists banged against clear plastic, shaking the foundations of the doors and making the hinges groan through their protest. Vampire strength losing to a witches spell-- "OPEN THE DOOR!" Stefan tried to ram through the barrier when everything seemed to slow down.

Adelina's smile wobbled when she met her brother's gaze. Sparks spat when the lights broke, the sporadic piles of paper flying around the room in a whirlwind of chaos. Her hand raised in the direction of Ric's forced kneeling position, a final mutter from her lips forcing her body to convulse before she collapsed in a heap on the floor-- "NO!" They were able to enter as soon as she hit the ground, the enemy having already vanished by the time they reached her side.

"I-I can't tell if she's okay," Stefan cried, unsure whether she'd even have a pulse considering her hybrid nature. "Sh-she can't be dead, she wouldn't do that to us--would she?"

For the first time in over a hundred years the younger Salvatore looked to his older brother for guidance, desperate for him to say the right thing and stop the pain from trapping his heart. "No." Damon decided, "She'll come back. She's strong enough to survive this," although tears lined his eyes, determination encouraged the raven haired vampire to lift his younger sister and take her home. Give her body the chance to heal.

She was going to come back, she had to...


Damon's leg bounced as his gaze burned holes through Adelina's unconscious body. He was hunched over in his seat, a glass of bourbon nestled between his hands as he failed to relax the tense muscles in his shoulders. The library's fire burned bright, the youngest of the siblings believing its heat would kickstart his sister's healing once she'd been laid across the sofa...

The sound of approaching footsteps forced his head to snap up, eyes narrowing in a glare with the entrance of Stefan and Elijah-- "What the hell is he doing here?"

"He wanted to see her."

"And why should we let him?! It's thanks to his brother that she's even in this position!"

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