17: An Evening Of Firsts

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The Bennetts and I were quickly ushered from the Mikaelsons once Esther was awake, Elijah leading us to the door with thanks and a smile that made my heart want to pop

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The Bennetts and I were quickly ushered from the Mikaelsons once Esther was awake, Elijah leading us to the door with thanks and a smile that made my heart want to pop. I hadn't had the opportunity to see the Original witch, and if I was honest with myself; I didn't want to. Esther Mikaelson was a scary addition to the world I was molding, my only hope being for her to be serious about wanting to 'be a family again' rather than it being the same ruse as it was on the show. I didn't really know how to handle it if she followed the plot, and I was worried about losing the relationships I'd gained if I did intervene...

Those concerns brought me to where I am today. I woke up this morning to Damon's 'bitchface' after he dropped a white envelope on my bed. Inside was an invitation from Elijah personally asking me to attend his family's ball this evening. I'd argued back and forth with both brothers trying to deter me from attending, yet the second they found out Elena was also invited, their focus quickly shifted.

So now I was standing in the corner of the Mikaelsons main entryway, shuffling from side to side with nerves after finally managing to escape Damon's suffocating presence. My sweating hands had been wiped down on the front of my dress more times than I could count, and I'd struggled a polite smile at anyone willing to look in my direction. I was second guessing being here; while excited to re-explore mine and Elijah's friendship, I was still scared of his opinion on whether my dress was too little or too much for such an extravagant event--

"Ah, Adelina, there you are." I jumped with the address, not anticipating Kol being the first Mikaelson to approach me. "Drink?"

"Uh, thanks," I stole the champagne flute, draining it so quickly that the man openly laughed.

"No need to be nervous, darling, you look absolutely gorgeous if I do say so myself.":



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