We've Missed You So Much.!

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Skyller's Point Of View.!

I woke up last night but I didn't let anyone know that.  I'm super hungry like frfr but hey it's whatever.  I grabbed my phone and called August on a private number.  


A: Yo Hello.

S: How are you.??

A: Who's this.??

S: You don't know my voice by now.?

A: Skyller.??

S: Yeah punk.  * Laughing *

A: I'm on my way now please just stay up please baby.

S: Okay I'll stay up on one condition.

A: What baby anything.

S: Bring me some McDonald's * Laughing *

A: Okay baby. * Laughing *

S: Okay * Laughing *

A: I Love You.

S: I Love You 2.

I hung up.

I laid down and waited for August I know he just got done taking our daughter to school.  At least ten minutes later August walked in the room with McDonald's in his hands.  I smiled.  " You don't know how good it is to see that beautiful smile again.  I promise you " August said.  " I love you, " I said looking at him. " I'm sorry for everything I said.  I fucked up and you didn't deserve that.  Paris made it seem like you were just cheating on me and I lost it.  I'm sorry.  I need you baby.  Please forgive " August said getting in bed with me.  " I already do and I did be strong baby I wasn't letting go, " I said.  August kissed me and kissed me hard.  I kissed back and wrapped my hands around his neck.  He started trying to go under the nightgown.  

" We are in a hospital, "  I said grabbing his arms.  " Alright fine but when we get home dropping Paris off at my mom's and we going to have some fun, " August said smirking.  I laughed when someone cleared their throat. We looked at the door and same August mom, Imogen, Domo, August nieces, and Paris.  I smiled.  They had balloons and stuffed bears and chocolate in they hands.  They ran and gave me a hug. " Thank you guys so much, " I said kissing their cheeks.  " We missed you Ti Ti Sky, " August nieces said together.  " I missed Y'all too, " I said smiling.  " We did miss you Sky you got to stop taking them joy rides, " Domo said laughing.  " Oh shut up, " I said laughing.  " Naw but for real sis don't do this to me.  Don't you think I'm already worried enough not being close to you?  I can't lose you, sis, you all I got left of the family " Domo said.

" I'm sorry I don't even know how it happened.  I mean the car was behind me for a while but when I was going over that bridge next thing I know it was black out " I said.  " Did they ever find out who did it? " Domo asked August.  " Naw they said it was a hit and run and they found a wrecked car a couple of miles down the road from where Skyller was but they never connected it, " August said.  " When was the last time you heard from him, " Domo asked.  " Him who, " I said confused.  " Uncle Devin, " Domo said with a stutter to the uncle part.  

" Man I don't know a couple of weeks before the accident.  He usually texts Paris even though I tell her to block the account " I said.  Everybody looked at Paris.  " Paris when was the last time he texted you, " August said.  She stayed quiet and put her head down.  " Paris why were you up so late that night, " I said looking at her harder.  She never said anything.  I saw a tear slide down her face.  " Paris Amari Alsina if I ask you again I'm going to tear your little ass up, " August said seriously.  

" I got a text from him that night " Paris yelled.  " Why didn't you say anything to me that night " I said confused.  " Because I didn't know how to explain what it said.  I was scared " Paris said crying.  " Give me your phone.  Let me see " I said.  She opened it and handed it to me.  I read the message out loud.  " I told you I was coming and today is the day I am.  

Say goodbye to your mother and once I'm done with her say goodbye to your dad and then you'll know how she felt when her stupid parents died and I'm glad they did.  See you soon Miss. Paris " I said completely pissed and by the look on Dominique and August face they were too.  " He tried to kill you, " August said.  " I knew it " August mom yelled out of nowhere.  It made us laugh.  Yes, August mom knows about my past. " Paris come to talk to me for a minute, " I said moving to the side eating while everyone went to the other side of the room and talked.  

She came and sat next to me and looked up at me.  " You know it wasn't your fault right, " I said kissing her head.  " Yes, it was I should have told you.  Then I disrespected you and made you hate me " Paris said putting her head down. " Paris listen to me.  It wasn't your fault and I don't hate you at all.  You're my baby girl and my first born.  Please, baby, stop acting like that.  You know I would never, not love you do you understand me.  And no you won't disrespect me and I would never cheat on your dad.  I love him with all my heart.  I wouldn't risk messing up our family at all baby girl I promise okay " I said pulling her head up.  

" Okay mommy.  I love you 2 " Paris said hugging me.  " Okay " I said.  Then the doctor came in the room.  " Miss.  Harris you can go home now.  We ran some test and you're all set " Doctor Jackson said.  " Okay " I said.  I got up and got dressed with the help of Imogen and August mom and then they brought me home and we spent time together.  Tomorrow we decided to have a family dinner tomorrow at Le Comptoir.  I'm on crutches for a few months so this should me fun.  Hint the sarcasm.  

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