Chapter 5 {My Secert Mr. Hottie}

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I went into full panic mode.  To make it worse, Mara had set a date, December 23.  That was a week away.  How was I supposed to persuade my parents that fast? 

I was so lost in thought, that I started to hyperventilate.   I felt a cold hand touch my bare arm, making me jump a mile high.  Landing on the floor, I could see a guy with light brown hair.  His eyes were hazel near the center, then if you looked hard, you could see that the farther they went out, the turned more bluish green.  It took me a second to realize that it was Jason.  I could see a worried look in his face.

Don’t stare at him! I yelled in my head.  Jason was my secret crush.  He had been ever since the third grade.  He was also my guy best friend.  We spend all of our time together.  I haven’t seen him since my fight at school.  I knew that he was angry with me about it, but I don’t know why.  I mean, it didn’t even concern him.  So what did I do to hurt him?

“Earth to Kura.” I thought I heard Jason say.  I was so lost in thought, I didn’t even realize that he had picked me up and gently sat me on my bed.

I finally snapped out of my thoughts to find Jason’s face right next to mine.  In shock, I accidently jumped forward, knocking heads with him.

“Oww!” Jason and I yelled at the same time.

“What did you do that for?!” Jason asked rubbing his head.

“Is your head made out of metal or something?” I said falling back against my bed.  I hid my face in my pillow, to try to hide the surfacing tears.  My head really hurt; the head bumping kind of gave me a headache.  (I don’t have a very high pain tolerance!)

I felt someone lightly breathing over my right shoulder blade.  Rolling over to face the person, I turned to see Jason standing there.  He was so close to me!  I cannot believe it!  Seeing him stand there made my heart race and my cheeks turn a bright rosy red.  It was like a dream come true.

“Have you been crying?” he asked in a surprised, yet hesitant voice.

“Um, ya.  I guess I have just had a lot of stress lately, that’s how I let it out.”  I said, not completely lying.  This whole traveling thing with Mara is making everything a little difficult right now. 

“Tell me everything, Kura.  Maybe I can help.”  He said as he threw his arm around my shoulders.

Taking a deep breath, I spilled all of my problems to him.  I told him about the fight, my mother’s words, and how I feel about the whole trip thing. 

When I finished, it was so quiet.  At first I thought that I said something to offend him, but then he pulled me into a tight bear hug.

I tried to break free, but instead he just pulled me closer to his chest.

“I comn’t dbreauth!” I screamed.  I was trying to say, I can’t breathe!

Getting my message, he let me go.  While I took in a few sharp inhales of air trying to catch my breath, Jason whispered in my ear,

“I want to go with you…to meet Mara.”

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