Ch.19 {PDA All the Way!)

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Kura P.O.V

I was woke from my darkness by the sound of crying.  I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted with bright lights.  “Ahhh,” I yelled as my hands flew up to my face.  Why did the lights have to be so bright?  As I tried to cover my eyes I found that I couldn’t.  I found out that I had cords hooked up all over my arms.  What the heck?  When did this happen?  The last thing I remember was being in a dark alley with that guy…I shuddered.  I remembered everything about him.  His crazed eyes, alcoholic breath; it was crystal clear in my mind.  It was almost as if it was branded into it. 

Being in such deep thought about the mystery man, I jumped when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.  I looked up to expecting to see the man I feared, but found out that it was Mara.  Tears stained her pretty face, her make-up smudged all over her face.  When she say me look at her a huge smile lit up her lips.

“Kura…I am so sorry!  This is all my fault!  I should have never asked Jason for help…” she rambled.   Her eyes started to get all shiny, as tears fell down her face.  I leaned over the hospital bed-even though I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain-so I could wipe the tears streaming down her face.

“It is okay, Mara.  It is not your fault, it is my own.  And whatever when on with you and Jason, I forgive you.  I know it was an accident of some sort; I just over reacted at the time.  I should have just let you explain.  I am so sorry Mara.  I should have trusted you,” I whispered to her.  To my surprise she leaned in and gave me a hug.  It would have been okay, except the fact that she her elbow was pushing in my bandaged stomach.  I winced, unable to suppress it.  She jumped back and apologized once again.

“Mara, can you go get Jason for me.  I really would like to see him,” I asked her.  I felt a small smile present itself upon my face.  Just the thought of Jason brought joy to my mind. 

She smiled back and nodded. I laid my head back against my pillow and thought of Jason.  Jason…Jason….Jason.  Even his name made my smile even wider.  I closed my eyes and pictured his amazing smile, sharp jaw line, messy yet sexy brown hair, and his breathtakingly beautiful and unusual eyes. I sighed to myself as I felt myself drifting off to sleep again.

Jason P.O.V

I sat in the waiting room, again.  I shifted sitting positions once again.  Man, were these chairs uncomfortable.  You would think that they could get decent chairs…no. They get the chairs that cause back pain!  Frustrated, I leaned forward, resting my head in my hands.  I could barely keep my eyes open; maybe if I just closed my eyes for a second….

“Jason,” Mara yelled.

I flew up, almost falling over. “What?  I wasn’t sleeping!”  I stammered.  Mara didn’t reply, she just laughed.  “It’s not funny!” I yelled.  “No, your right!  It was hilarious!”  She laughed.  I just sighed as she whipped the tears from her eyes.

“Oh,” she hiccupped from the laughter, “Kura is awake and she really wants to see you.” 

I didn’t reply, I was already out the door and down the hall by the time she finished her statement.  All that mattered is that Kura is awake.  My love is finally awake!  On my way to her room I almost ran into an old man I a wheel chair.  I never knew that old people could have such a colorful vocabulary!  Let’s just say he was very, very angry.  By the time I got to Kura’s room I had many people angry with me; it didn’t matter to me though.  All that mattered it what Kura was awake.

I reached Kura’s room to see that she was asleep.  Not only that, but a gorgeous smile was spread across her face.  I slowly made my way over to her bed, trying not to wake her.  I gently placed my hand on her shoulder trying to wake her.

“Kura…it’s me.”  I whispered to her.  She slowly opened her eyes.  When she say that it was me her smile got even bigger. 

“Jason!”  She practically screamed to the world.  I just smiled and leaned down and kissed her.  I rapped her arms around my neck, pulling my closer.  Even though she had wires all over her arms, she didn’t allow them to stop her.  She pulled me closer and broke the kiss. She pressed her forehead against mine and breathlessly she whispered, “I love you!”  Man, do I love this girl!

“Ehem!  Am I interrupting something?”  A nurse called from the door.  Kura quickly removed her arms from around my neck as I stepped back.

“Um, no…I just leaving,” I said embarrassed.  I felt my ears catch fire.  I looked to Kura to see her cheeks candy apple red.  ‘At least I’m not the only one!’ I thought to myself.  I winked to her, only making her face cheeks burn more.  I looked back to the nurse to see her with a raised eyebrow.  I quickly ducked out of her room to go back to the waiting room.  Wow, was that a kiss.  Somehow that girl always captivates me.  Then it hit me; I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl.  This is the girl that stole my heart, and I wouldn’t want anyone else to have it but her.  I realized right then she is the missing half of my heart and soul.  She is my one and only true love for eternity.

Hey People!  A new chapter for you because you gave me 500 reads!  Thank you!  Now, a new deal:  give me up to the total of 550 reads and  the total of 50 votes and I will keep Jason and Kura together.  I can still kill Kura, I could have that mystery man come after Jason, or I can have him tragicely die in a car accident.  That's right, it is all up to you!  Thanks!

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