Ch.18 {Crying For Life}

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Kura P.O.V

You would think that I would understand by now.  I should know not to talk to strangers, but I did.  Now, I am in a place that I don’t know and don’t understand.  I hear talking, but I can’t understand the words.

            I should have been smarter.  I should have gone with someone.  I should have done a lot of things, but know it is too late.  Too late to say goodbye, too late to say I’m sorry.  I only wish to say I love you to my mom.

            Now I lay here, about to die, only wishing I could be……wait, what is that noise?  Beep, beep, beep.  Why does that sound like a heart monitor?  I am supposed to be in a dark alley, not white nothingness with an annoying beeping sound!  Is this is what heaven is like?  To me it seems more like hell.

            “Kura….wake up, please.  I love you.” A soft, familiar voice whispered in the air.   The voice was filled with worry, pain, and…loves.  Whoever said the words must love me very much.  The only person who loves me that much is, Jason.  What….Jason?!  Do dammit!  Why can’t I wake up!  I need to get back to Jason!  “Jason!”  I called out into my dark abyss.


‘How do I wake up?!?’  I thought to myself.  I felt numb all over.  I tried to move my fingers.  Nothing.  I focused all of my energy on my left hand.  I felt the numbness start to ease up.  Once again I tried to move my fingers, and barely, just barely they moved.

Jason P.O.V

“Kura….wake up, please.  I love you.”  I whispered softly next to Kura’s ear.  I raked my eyes over her angelic face.  Even with the cuts and bruises, she is still the most beautiful angel I have ever laded my eyes upon.  ‘God I wish she would wake up,’ I thought to myself.  Only if she knew how much she meant to me.  She was the center of my universe; the subject of in portrait of my life.

I ran my hand through my hair.  I was supposed to watch out for her.  I was supposed to protect her.  Instead, she is lying in a hospital bed with broken bones and a very broken heart.  I slipped my hand gently into her bandaged one.  “Please wake up, I need you.  You don’t know how much you mean to me,” whispered next to her ear.  I felt my eyes very moist.  I couldn’t hold back the river of tears my eyes tried to hold back.  I stoked my hand through hair soft blonde hair.  A single tear fell from my eyes, as I could no longer hold them back.  As the tear splashed on by love’s cheek, I felt her fingers move beneath my hand.

Kura P.O.V

I struggled to get a hold over myself.  Why in the world couldn’t I wake up.  As I began to finally calm myself down, I felt water splash upon my face.  Great, not only was I never going to be able to wake up, but now I was going to drowned! Perfect, just perfect!

Once again I focused all of my energy on my hand, trying to make it move.  It did.  Just a little twitch, but it still moved.  I felt something warm settle over my hand.  To my surprise it gave me an unknown feeling of comfort.  It was strangely relaxing.  Instead of fighting to wake up from this unknown parallel, I just focused on the feeling and drifted off into a deeper realm of unconsciousness.

Mara P.O.V

‘I can’t believe this,’ I yelled at myself as I paced around the waiting room of the hospital.  If I never would have asked Jason for help, she never would have run away, and she would not be lying in a hospital bed right now.  This is all my fault!  I was her best friend, I was supposed to help her, not hurt her!  

I stopped pacing and leaned up against the bleach walls.  How is she ever going to forgive me?  How is she going to feel about me?  Every time she will think of me, she will remember me as the girl who almost got her r*ped and killed!  How am I supposed to live with that!?

I slid down the wall that was supporting me as tears streamed down my face.  ‘I should have never agreed to this,’ I thought to myself, ‘if I didn’t she would be safe and sound living her normal life in America!’

I rested my head on my knees.  All I can do is pray.  All I can do is that she will forgive me and not hate me for the rest of my life.  She was person who I trusted the most, the person who knew everything about me; she is my life line.

As I sat in the corner crying my eyes out, the door quietly opened.  I didn’t bother to look up; probably some other family waiting to see a loved one.  I didn’t look up until a firm hand was resting on my shoulder.  I looked up to find Jason starring down at me with a pained expression.  It absolutely ripped me apart to see him like this, especially since it was all because of me.

“Jason,” I said with a groggy voice.  I had been crying for so long that I didn’t realized how dry my throat was.  I thought that swallowed a couple times to fix my voice, but it was actually to swallow the lump in my throat.

“She is still unconscious.  You can go back and see her it you want,” Jason whispered.  He sounded like he was exhausted.  He looked like he was about to murder someone, but at the same time burst into tears.

“Okay,” I said softly, “but what about you?”  I questioned.  “I…I,” he stammered.  Instead of waiting for a reply, I just jumped up and engulfed him in a hug.

“I am so sorry,” I cried into his shirt, “this is all my fault!  If I never would have asked you for help, the she would not be...”  I was cut off by Jason’s voice. 

“This is not your fault Mara!  This was out of your control!  Don’t ever stay that or think that, you hear me?”  He whispered next to my head.  With a nod, I released him and walked out of the waiting room.

I silently walked into Kura’s room in the ICU.  I was stunned by what I saw.  Kura was hooked up to many different machines, with many wires and cords connected to her.  She was covered with a blanket, but I could see where her casts made and bump under it.  ‘This is all my fault!  I caused her to be like this.’ I thought as I sat in the chair besides Kura.

“Kura….if you can hear me I just wanted to say that I am so sorry.  That I will understand if you never forgive me for this.  Just please come back to me!”  I begged to her.  I put my head on my hands and cried some more.  Never in my life have I cried so much.  Never in my life have I worried that I was going to lose the only person who truly cared about me.  Now, I sit here crying my eyes out, praying that that one person that matters most will not die because of me.

Hi people!  So, what do you think of the new chapter?  Tell me by commenting or else I will kill Kura!   Yes, I can end her fictional romance life if you do not comment!  Please vote and tell you friends to read.  I am trying to get 500 reads by the next chapter!  Thanks!  Remember, Kura's life is in your hands!

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