Ch.15 {Drunken Fool}

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Kura P.O.V

I just ran.  I didn’t know where I was going, but I just ran.  I ran to the elevator and didn’t look back.  Once I reached the lobby, I heard my name, but I wasn’t stopping.  I need to get away from Jason and Mara.  I need to get away from my problems.

I sprinted through the dark streets of London.  I ran without a destination.  I just needed to clear my head.  So I ran down dull twisting streets and across small wooden bridges.  I ran till I could run no more.

I slowed to a stop near an old building.  It looked it had been abandon a long time ago, with its deep cracks, and shattered windows.  I wanted to keep running, but I couldn’t.  Something about this place made my mind scream ‘run!’ but I was too tired.  On wobbly legs I leaned against the old building, using it for support.  I felt my eyes start to droop, but every time I would snap them back open; because every time I closed them, I saw the disgusting picture of Mara and Jason kissing.  Why would Jason do this to me?  I thought that he actually loved me.  These thoughts broke the dams I had built up to hold back to the unshed tears.

I slid down the wall of the building, tears spilling from my eyes.  I hit the ground with a soft thud that echoed through the empty streets; or so I thought. 

I heard a loud crash coming from the alley on the opposite side of the building.  My heart rate accelerated, ‘It’s just a stray cat.  Don’t worry’ I told myself mentally.  I heard other noises come from the alley, only making my heart rate sky rocket even more.  Then it was completely silent.  It wasn’t peaceful kind of silence; it is more like the eerie type of silence. 

This silence continued for seemed like forever.  I wanted to get up and run away, but I seemed to be paralyzed by fear of what hides in the alley.  I strained my ears to see any faint noise around me.  I pulled my knees up to my chest, and rested my head on my knees.  I just concentrated on any sound from the alley. 

I heard a faint shuffling noise coming in my direction.  I froze with fear.  It must have found me.  I slowly lifted my head up to find a man, reeking of alcohol, staring down at me.  He only spoke two words, that were barely audible due to the heavy presents of alcohol; but I knew he mumbled,

“Hello beautiful.”

Unknown P.O.V

I stumbled out of the bar, completely wasted.  I had been there most of the day, trying to drown my sorrows with a bottle of beer; or shall I say 10 bottles.  I chuckled to myself as I stumbled through London’s empty streets.  I have lived in this town for 31 years, I never explored it.  Well guess what, tonight is the night I am going exploring.

I thought I would start my journey with a trip down an alley.  So I turned down the alley, but seemed to crash into some empty garbage cans.  I stumbled to the ground with them, creating a loud ruckus.

I picked myself up and continued on with my journey.  I kept stumbling over empty boxes, cans, just random pieces of garbage.  I kept walking, then I saw her.  There was a beautiful girl, probably 15 or 16 sitting at the side of the building in front of me.  She had long blonde hair that fell down her back and shoulders.  Why would such a beautiful girl be out all by herself?  Maybe I should have some fun with her? 

I walked over to   the young girl, and waited for her to raise her head to see me.  When she did, a mumbled, “Hello beautiful”, with an evil grin.


Hi People!  I just wanted to see if you like what you are reading!  If there is any mistakes, i am sorry.  Just let me know so i can fix them.  So, what do you think of this chapter?  Good or Bad?  I am super tired, so i kind of wrote this in a haze.  I promise that the next chapter will be in Jason/Mara P.O.V.  I will try to upload the next chapter tommorw, it just depends if i have time or not.

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With lots of love,


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