Ch. 11 {Nightmares} Part I

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 Kura P.O.V

I just laid there.  Did he actually say that he loved me?  I needed to know if he actually had the same passion of love that I have for him.  I rolled over, facing this beautiful creature.  I stared at his face; it was clearly the face of a god.  I studied his strong jaw line, sculpting his perfect face.  I shifted my gaze to his lip, the color of a rip cherry.  His lips, they look so kissable.  I reluctantly pulled my eyes from them and looked at his closed eyelids.  From the many years of know Jason, I knew what gems his eyes were.  If they were jewels, they would be a one of a kind.  They were hazel, but then turned sapphire blue, then into emerald green.  They were absolutely beautiful.  His eyes were the result to some weird gene abnormality, but to me, that was a blessing.

As I stared at my rare gem, I realized that he was shirtless.  I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I looked over his sculpted chest.  He has a very traditional 8-pack going for him.  I closed my eyes, thinking about what I have just seen when I felt the mattress dip.  I felt hot, even breaths on the back of my neck.  This caused goose bumps to rise up all over my neck.  I wanted to roll over and snuggle up to his warm chest, but I was paralyzed by a strong arm rapped around my waist. 

With this new development, I felt my pulse speed up.  My heart was racing so fast, if it was in a marathon, it would win but a million miles.  I wanted to yell at him to get off, but my voice seemed to have walked out the door.  I tried to unclasp his arms from my waist, but I was to weak compared to him; even in his sleep. 

After a few minutes, I gave up.  There was no way on Earth that I was going to be able to move with his arms around me.  I just laid still, going back to my thoughts.  I tried to think of my family, meeting Mara, anything that wasn’t Jason.  To my luck, I failed miserably.  Jason swarmed my thoughts.  It felt like he was trying to take over my brain; and so far it was working.

I looked over at the alarm clock sitting on the Victorian style night stand, to see that it was 11:58 p.m. here in London.  I had lost track of time when we got on the plane.  The whole time change thing was too confusing for me.  I figured that since I am now here until December 24th, I should learn to regulate my schedule on London time.  I shut my eyes, trying to relax and shut my thoughts off.  Right when I was about to give up, Jason rolled over again.  He lay, facing me, then unexpectedly snuggled me to his chest.  Jason’s warmth surrounded me, relaxing me.  Within seconds of being brought to his chest, I felt myself drift off to a dream filled sleep.

“Stop runnin sugar!  There is no escape.”  A voice yelled from the shadows of the alley.

I whipped my head side to side, trying to see the person which the voice was coming from.  In my moment of panic, I hear a voice in my head screaming “run”.  I obey the voice in my head, running as fast as I can.  All I see is darkens engulfing me.  I can feel air whipping my hair carelessly around my face.  I sprint without stopping. My lungs burn, but I don’t care.  I can’t care.  I see a light ahead of me.  In the light, I see a person that looks oddly familiar.  The person is screaming my name, “Kura.  Kura.”  Hearing my name, makes me run faster.  All I am focused on is the light.  It gets closer and closer….then something pulls me back into the darkness.  I come crashing to the cold concrete.  I look around, trying to find the light, which held the person; that filled me with hop, and love.  I see nothing, except darkness.  All I can here is the voice I was trying to escape.  The voice fills the air around me.  Its evil laughter gets closer and closer….the a man appeared from the shadows that surrounded me.  He had long hair, which covered most of his face.  That wasn’t the thing that scared me the most.  It was his eyes.  His eyes were the only thing that I could see through his hair covered face.  His eyes…we midnight blue.  They would have been beautiful, but around the outside they were a red-purple. It wasn’t just the color of his eyes that freaked me out.  It was the fact that it felt like he was staring straight into my soul.  His eyes sucked me in.  I could see right into his mind.  I saw what he was planning to do with me.  He chuckled.  His lips turned into an eerie grin, then he udder the words that caused me to shake in fear; “You are all mine.  No one will be were to stop me.”  With those words, he came closer.  To my surprise, he pulled out a switchblade and grabbed me from behind.  Then with one last laugh, I brought the knife to my neck…

I shot up, dripping in sweat.  I grabbed me neck, realizing it was just a dream.  I looked around me, making sure that it was a dream, only to find that it was.  I felt eyes on me, so I whipped my head around to see Jason staring at me.  I almost forgot that he was here.  I tried to smile at him, but I was still shaking so much that all I could do was stare back. 

I just stared at him, not willing to break the silence.  Luckily for me, he broke it first.

“What the hell was that about?  Are you okay?”  He said looking me up and down.  I was still in so much shock from the nightmare that all I could do is nod my shaking head.  I felt that I could no long hold back the tears that I was trying to hid, so I decided to just let the come.  I cried my freaking eyes out, not being able to stop them any longer.  Jason scooted closer to me, enveloping me in a hug.  He rubbed his hand in soothing circles on my back.  I leaned into him, probably soaking his chest.  Was my river of tears came to a stop, I told him what happened.  The dreams, or should I say nightmares.   I as I told him, he did not say a word; he just sat there and listened to me.

After I finished my explaining to him my nightmare, he looked at me with hope filled eyes and said, “Kura, I need to tell you something.  We have been through a lot together.  Over the years, I have come to liking hanging out with you.  I was sort of wondering if you would go on date with me tomorrow night.”  Once he finished, I just stared at him.  When I didn’t answer eminently, he hung his head trying to cover his red cheeks.  I guess that he hadn’t realized that I had been shaking my head yes for the past few seconds.  When I finally found my voice, I leaned up to him and whispered, “Yes.”

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