Ch. 12 {No Tip For You}

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Kura P.O.V

I whipped my head around to look at the clock.  7:49!  Great!  Jason is going to be here at 8:00 and I am haven’t even done my make-up yet!!  I did an 180˚ turn and sprinted to the spacious bathroom. 

I started at myself in the mirror for a minute; I didn’t know what do for make-up.  I hurriedly grabbed my make-up bag.  It is time to go to work.  I decided to go light; I never really wore make-up around Jason.  I knew it was almost time for him to pick me up, (or should I say step out of his room and walk 2 feet to knock on my door) so I threw the make-up back I my suit case.  I walked over to the floral print bed (a typical hotel bed), to grab my white stilettos.  When I realized that they were not there, I started to freak out.  Right when I thought that it couldn’t get any worse, Jason started to knock on my door. 

I went into full panic mode; I was ripping my room apart to find a stupid pair of shoes when it hit me.  I walked over to the heater and looked down next to it.  Ha!  I remembered that I threw then when I was unpacking, I guess is when they landed. 

I heard the knocking on my door getting louder; I almost forgot that Jason was at the door.  I ran over to the worn door, trying to put my stilettos on at the same time.  When I finally opened the door, I saw an angry Jason standing at my door.  As quick as he got angry, it was gone.  The angry was replaced with shock, amazement, and…lust?  I shuddered at that last thought, I mean, did he like me that much.  I cleared my throat, to try to get his attention.  After the 5th or 6th time, I finally got his attention.  I could of sworn that he started to drool a little.

“Shall we go?”  He asked in a sexy tone.

“Um…let me grab my purse.”  I stammered.  I had made the fatal mistake of looking at Jason.  He was absolutely gorgeous.  He had a white dress shirt on, with the first few buttons undone.  You could see his perfect abs through his shirt.  His abs looked like they were perfectly caved into his torso.  He also had black dress pants on to accompany the shirt.  I moved my gaze up to his face.  His hair looked natural, slightly messy; but it looked super sexy.

Before I could finish checking him out, Jason piped up and said, “Like what you see?”

I could feel my cheeks get all hot; it probably looked like I had rip cherries on my cheeks.  When I found my voice, I said shyly, “Yes I do.”

Jason chuckled lightly; then said, “Didn’t you say that you were going to grab your purse?”

I blushed even harder and turned to get my purse.

5 minutes later

As we walked out of our hotel, Jason whistled for the limo driver.  I could tell that he was not was not a happy camper.  He opened the door for me, and I thanked him.  Right when Jason was about to get in the limo, the driver shut the door; then got in and smirked at Jason.  I couldn’t help but laugh.  Jason glared at me for laughing at him. 

I put my best innocent face on and whispered, “What?”  Jason’s face softened.  He leaned up and mumbled in my ear, “He is so not getting a tip.”  When he pulled away, I couldn’t help but smile at his childish idea.

I looked at him and sighed, “It is not good to fight fire with fire.”

Of course he had to have a comeback, “I’m the fire; he is more like ice water.”

I just sighed again, and sifted my gazed out the window when something accrued to me.

“Where are we going?”  I said with a questioning look.  I almost completely forgot that he hadn’t told me where we are going.

He smiled and simply said, “You’ll have to wait and find out.”  I sighed; I didn’t like waiting.  I tried to distract my brain, but it was not working.  After a few minutes, I started to think about the first time I met Jason.


“Uggh!  Is this game almost over yet?”  I whined to my brother Seth.

“For the fifth time, no Kura, it is not over yet.  It will be over in 15 minutes, so can you please sit here with your mouth closed?”  He said with a sigh.  I could tell he was getting annoyed with me.  I have not stopped bugging him since we got here 2 hours ago.

“I’m sorry.  I promise to be quite now.”  I said with a smile.  He nodded and smiled, then turned back to the game.  We are sitting in the old gymnasium of our school, watching our basketball team slaughter (metaphorically speaking) some other school’s team.  The only reason we are here is that Seth’s friend Jason was on the team.  I have never met him, but I have heard he is pretty hot. 

Like my brother said, the game ended in 15 minutes.  Now I am wandering around, freezing my butt off trying to find my stupid brother.  He said that he was going to go say hi to a friend and be right back; you see how well that worked.  It has felt like forever, and he is still not back.  It is so late that I am the only one standing by the gym.  Great, he must have ditched me.  I was shivering from the cold, when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.  I slowly turned around, expecting it to be Seth; but instead it was some random guy from the basketball team. 

“Hi can I help you?”  I said through clattering teeth.  I should have put a heavier jacket on, I mean, it is winter in Michigan after all. 

He looked at me and smiled.  He took his jacket of and put around me, engulfing me in warmth.  I looked at him and said, “No, I am fine.  You are only wearing a jersey.”  I said starting to take his jacket off.  He put his hand on mine, stopping if from taking the jacket off. 

“No, you need it more than I do.  Look it, you are shivering.”  He said with a worried look.  He then wrapped his arm around my scrawny arms, trying to warm me up.  I couldn’t help but lean into him, he was so warm.

“What is going on here?”  Seth said with a raised voice.  I blushed, embarrassed about what me and this stranger must look like.  It was completely silent.  I was the first one to break the silence.

“Um…what is your name?”  I said to the kind stranger.  Right when he was about to answer, Seth answered for him.   “His name is Jason.” 

“Ok then, Jason saw that I was freezing so he came over and gave me his jacket to help me warm up.  You didn’t need to go into overly-protective-big-brother-mode Seth.”  I said to him.  He relaxed when I told him that.  He looked at Jason and mumble, “Sorry, bro.”

“Wait, were you?  What made you forget about me and leave me to freeze to death?”  I said curiously.  Seth didn’t answer; she just turned around and walked away.

“Ok then.”  I said confused.  I looked up at Jason, who was looking down at me.  We just stared at each other for a few minutes. 

A honk came from my brother’s car; that was my queue to leave.

“That’s my queue to leave.”  I said handing him his jacket back.  He smiled at me as I ran to my ride.  I think am going to like this Jason guy.


HI PEOPLE!!  What do you think of the new chapter.  I think it is pretty good.  I will take any type of comments, good or bad.  I am sorry it is short, i have to go to bed because i have to go skiing tommorw!!  I promise that the next one will be longer.  The next chapter should be up in the next few days.  It is a three day weekend after all.

I know this is kind of bold, but i really want to got 400 reads (in total of whole book)  and 50 votes (in total of whole book).  I would really really like that. 

Don't forget to vote and comment, and fan if you haven't already.



(P.S.  I am trying this into Word Doc first, and it is 43 pages on there.  Here, it is only 16 or 17 pages!!! I can't believe it!  How do you write books that are 150 pages!!  That must take forever.  I applaud you if you write books that have like 6 or 7 pages per chapter!)

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