Ch. 7 {Couldn't We Drive?}

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I was completely lost.  I probably looked like some lost little kid in a grocery store wandering in the air terminal.  To help my situation, I was in a super crabby mood.  Jason would try to help me find our plane; by I would just yell at him to go away.  Now I see that that did a lot of good.

I think the thing that was bothering me the most was my goodbyes with my family.  I mean, I knew that it was going to be hard to say goodbye, but I wish that I would have said more.

“I am going to miss you baby!”  my mom whispered with weepy eyes.  Seeing her cry, made my almost let my tears slip out.

“I’m going to miss you guys, too.” I said pulling my loving family into a huge group hug.  Seth was the next one to speak.

“Just don’t do anything stupid or reckless,” he said looking at me directly.  Then he looked up at Jason and said, “You better watch over he with an eagle’s eye, or when you get back in going to kick your butt!”  His statement made us all chuckle.

My mom sighed, “It is probably best if you two head out to your flight.  Don’t want to miss your plane.”  I looked around at my family, and giving them one last hug, Jason and I headed off to the air terminals.  Right before we got inside, I thought I heard Mike yell, “Don’t be too much of a stuck up tourist, little sis!”

Finally, we were sated on our plane.  I gave in a let Jason get us to our check-in area.  He already knew where it was to start with.

I was so jittery; I think I was shaking the whole plane.  I hate air planes, because I hate being off of the ground.  I think I have watched way too many movies with plane crashes, because right now that is all I can think about.

Just when I had started to calm down, the flight attendant came on and said we would be taking off in two minutes.  That’s when I really started to freak out.  What if we crashed?  Would we survive?  I am sure as hell not ready to die yet!

I looked around with wide eyes.  How can everyone be so calm?  I knew I was sweating bullets when Jason looked over at me.  He looked at me with a worried expression before speaking.

“Are you okay?”  He whispered with worry filling his voice.

“Yea, I am perfectly fine.  Why do you ask?”  I said lying right through my teeth.  I was not about to admit to him that I was afraid of flying. 

“No, you don’t look okay.  You are as pale as a piece of paper, and your pupils are like saucers.”  He said grabbing my arm.

“Jason I am fine.  It must be the lighting in here.”  I said with a shaking voice.

“Kura, you are so not fine.  Tell me what is wrong right this minute.”  He said raising his voice.

“Fine.” I said with a defeated tone.  “Jason…” I said leaning in real close to him, “I am afraid of flying in planes.”  I looked up at him expecting him to laugh.  Instead, he encased my shaking body in a hug.

“Kura, why didn’t you tell me?”  He asked slightly angry?

“It is stupid for a 17 year old girl to be afraid to fly on an air plane.”  I looked down, ashamed.  Before Jason could say anything more, the plane started to rumble.  I could feel the plane getting faster and faster until, boom.  The plane pulled upwards, making my stomach drop to my feet.  I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid that I might throw up.

At the same time, I felt the plane ease up.  When I opened my eyes, everything was spinning around me.  I shut my eyes again and laid my head back against the seat. 

I felt Jason slid his hand over mine, which was strangling the arm rest.  When I didn’t loosen my fingers, he pried my hand loose and held it in his. 

  “Kura, it is over.  We are up in the air.  It is just like riding in a car now.” Jason said in a gentle tone.

“Ok” is all I managed to say through my teeth with a shaking voice.  I still felt a little sick to my stomach.  This is why I do not fly.  I feel sick when I am flying on a plane.  I knew this was the only way to see Mara, so I had to suck it up.

“Kura, you still don’t look so good.  What is wrong?”  Jason said, squeezing my hand.

“I know, this happens to me every time I fly.  I just need to sleep it off.”  I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

“Ok”   He said shifting his gaze out the window.  I started to drift into unconsciousness, and with drooping eyes, I said, “This is going to be a long flight.”

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