Ch.14 {Guilt, and Accidental Betrayals}

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Kura P.O.V

I gently shut my door, very dazed.  Did Jason just kiss me?  More importantly, did I kiss him back??  I trotted over to my bed and flopped down.  I kept thinking about the kiss.  Every time I think about it, I get this fuzzy feeling in the pit on my stomach.  I couldn’t help but wonder, did Jason felt the jolt of electricity when we kissed?   I was lost deep in thought, when I felt something vibrating.

I jump up from my bed, only to realize that it was my Blackberry.  I checked the caller ID to find that it was Mara, and tried to answer it.  Of course, I have a very special phone, so it just decided to ignore me.

“Ugh!  WORK youstupid piece of garbage!!”  I am screaming at an inanimate object, again!  After a few minutes it finally shut-up, so I checked my voicemail.

“Hey girlie, it’s me.  I just wanted to see how your date went with you-know-who went.  I want ALL of the details so you must call me when you get this.  Bye!”  Once the message finished I figured that it should just go see Mara in person.

I quickly changed out of my dress, thinking it would be the best time to give it back to her.  Once I had in sweats and a tee, I grabbed my key and headed down the hall. 

I felt kind of bad. It was now 10 at night, all of the people in my hall were probably asleep.  I quickly left that thought when I heard a yelling from the end of the hall.  I ran toward the noise to find it came from my destination.  I didn’t bother to knock; I needed to see if Mara was okay.

When I opened the door I found Mara on top of someone, kissing someone and that someone happened to me no one other than…..Jason?!

Jason P.O.V

After Kura had shut her door, I headed down the hall.  I couldn’t help but think about our kiss.  It is just impossible to describe in words.  As soon as our lips touched, I felt a jolt of electricity run through us.  It felt so good -and right- to kiss her.  When I reached my door, I say a girl coming my way.  She looked kind of familiar, but I could find a name for the face. 

“Jason?”  The mystery girl asked.

“Yes, that is me.  And may I ask who you are?  I think I have seen you before; you look familiar.”  I asked with a hint of curiosity in my voice.

“Oh, that’s right.  I do not think we have been formally introduced, I am Mara, Kura’s pen pal.”

“Oh, yes.  I have seen your pictures.”  I said making the connection.

“I need to ask you a favor?  The TV cable came unplugged and neither I nor my sister can reach it; I was wondering if you could come and help?”  She said in a pleading tone.

“Yes, I would be happy to.  Anything for my girl’s best friend.”  I said with a little bit of pride.

Mara led me down the hall to her room.  As we walked, I heard bits and pieces of the voicemail that Mara was leaving on Mara’s phone.  I heard the word, “You-know-who, date, and all the details.”  I smiled at what I had heard.  Evidentially Mara knew about my date with Kura.

When we reached her room, she swiped her card.  She pushed on the door, but seemed to have been jammed.

“Let me give it a try.”  I said leaning against the door. 

“On the count of three, you will swipe the card and I will push.” Mara just nodded her head in reply.

“Okay, one, two…three!”  I said was I pushed on the door.  It sprang open easier than I thought, sending Mara and I toppling to the ground.  I moved under Mara so she wouldn’t hit the ground.  Instead, she fell on me; but because of the position we landed in, our lips smashed together. And of course, right when the love of my life walks in.

I sat up to see Kura staring at me with many emotions playing on her face.  Hurt, anger, betrayal, and worst of all, jealousy.  Her beautiful chocolate eyes started to well up with tears, only adding to my arising guilt.

“It’s not like it looks like.  The door…we fell…er” I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth.  I tried and tried, but I couldn’t speak.  All I wanted to do is make these last five minutes disappear.

“Kura, Jason came over to help with the TV cable and the door got stuck, and he pushed it open, and we both kind of fe-“Mara started to say but Kura interrupted.

“I don’t care!  I don’t want your lies.  And to think that I actually liked you.”  She said pointing her finger at me.  “And you, I actually called you my best friend.  How could you do this to me?”  She said to Mara, her eyes overflowing with tears.

I walked over to her, and tried to pull her into my arms.

“Get away from me!”  She screamed at me.  She jerked away from me and ran down the hall.  I looked over at Mara.  She sat there in shock. I whispered, “Mara,” to try to get her attention.  She looked up at me and whispered in a barely audible voice, “Go get her Jason.  Please go get her.”

I sprinted down the hall after Kura.  I couldn’t let her run away.  We are in a different country, she will get lost, and god forbid she gets hurt….  I ran to the elevator, seeing it was just about to close with my love in there. 

Right when I reached the elevator doors, it closed.  I kept hitting the button, but it was already

gone.  I when to plan B, the stairs.  I ran thought the door leading to the stairs, and started racing down them.  I had to beat the elevator; I couldn’t let her get away.  Then it hit me, I love Kura.  That thought only made me go faster.

Once I reached the stepped into the lobby, I say Kura run out the hotel doors; into the cold night.

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