Ch.20 {Falling to Pieces}

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Kura P.O.V

It was so cute to see Jason all embarrassed.  His face was tinted with blush as he stumbled out of my room.  The nurse was leaning up against the side of the doorframe, her hand on her hip.  He had a smirk playing on her lips.  When she looked at me I looked down, embarrassed that she saw us kiss.  Wow, that kiss…it was absolutely amazing.  It felt like electricity ran between us, it feeling was intoxicating.  I was shaking from my day dream when I heard someone clear their throat.  Oh yeah, I wasn’t in here alone.

“Um…hi.  What did you need?”  I asked the nurse.  Now that I look at her she is actually very pretty.  She had fiery red hair, and bright greens eyes.  She was very thin and tall.  She had a slight shadow of freckles covering her cheeks and nose.  She still had the smirk on her blood red lips.

“I came to see how you are?  Are you in any excruciating pain; I could give you more morphine if you are?”  She asked gently.  I shook my head no.  I was in a little pain, but noting I couldn’t handle.

“Are you hungry? I could get them to bring you your food a little early if you like.”  She said with a smile.  Right on cue my stomach roared like a I lion.  We looked at each other, and then we burst into laughter.

“I’m going to take that as a yes.  I’m going to be right back with your food.”  She announced as she left the room. 

I laid my head back against the pillows, exhausted.  I didn’t know how much energy laughing took until know.

I closed my eyes when the nursed reentered the room.

“I see someone is tired.  Did the kissing take a lot of energy?” she asked jokingly.  I smiled back, as I sat up.  When I went to sit up, pain erupted in my side.  My breath hitched as I fell back against the bed, my hands grabbing my side.

I struggled against the bed to try to stop the pain.  I thrashed around my hands never leaving my side.  I nurse was at my side in an instant.  I heard the rapid beeping of the monitor, in the background; almost as music. 

“Where does it hurt?” the nursed asked alarmed.

“My side!” I gridded through my teeth.  Every breath I took felt like daggers stabbing my side.  The nurse slipped her hands where mine had been to examine the area.  When she pushed down on my vision hazed as the pain spiked.  I felt unconsciousness slowly invading me.  Instead of fighting it, I welcomed it with open arms, falling into blackness.

  Jason P.O.V

I walked back to the waiting room dazed.  I felt so…alive.  I felt like I had just woken up for the first time; like every fiber of my being has been awoken.  It felt amazing.  That’s when I heard it. 

“Code Blue!  Code Blue!”  sounded from down the hall.  It was from…Kura’s room.  I ran down the corridor to her room, only to be pushed back from the nurses. 

“Sir, I’m going to need you to stay back.”  Stated then nurse.  I stumbled back a few feet, finding support from the cold counter.  I watched as nurses and doctors swarmed into her room like bees. I watched as they hovered over her limp body, sticking needles and pushing on cords.  They watched as her heart slowed little by little; until finally it stopped.  I just stared as they started to resuscitate her.  Every time I saw her body arch as they tried to start her heart, and every time it killed off a part of my heart.  Until, I heart a slow but steady beeping of her heart.

It was like melody that kept me sane.  The song that got me out of bed in the morning.  The one song that I could not live without.  Ever.

I slowly crumbled to the floor as relief engulfed me.  It seeped into every pore within me, only leaving one only one trace, hope.  Hope that Kura would be fine; hope that only thing that I have ever really loved would not leave me empty inside.  Hope was the only thing I could hold onto, so I held on for dear life. 

I slowly trudged back to the waiting room, unable to stand there any longer.  If I would have stayed, I would have fallen to pieces; shattered into millions of pieces that would dissolve every fiber of my being, for good.

I stopped outside the waiting room door and just stared at it.  It took all of my dwindling energy just to open it, only to be faced with a smiling Mara.  That did it.  I fell into a chair, fighting back the unshed tears that threaten to spill.  Really men don’t cry.  Really men don’t cry.  I repeated over and over again.  To hell with that!  I thought as the tears started to spill over.  Silently the tears fell as my body racked with unheard sobs.

I couldn’t look at Mara when she called my name.  I couldn’t answer her questions.  I just sat there and let the sadness control me.  Slowly, the sadness seeped away only to be replaced with anger and rage.  When the tears dried and I could finally face her, I saw confusion and worry etched into her face.   Her brows creased with worry, and her eye’s filled with pain.

“Is she okay?”  She asked, her voice drenched in emotions.  I just stared through her, contemplating her question.  What did okay mean?  Whatever it means, Kura is the exact opposite of it.

“Is she okay?”  She asked again, sounding desperate to hear an answer; the answer that she didn’t want to hear, but knows it true.

“No.”  Was all I could manage before I stormed out of the room. 

I stormed into the restroom, knowing nowhere else to go.  I leaned over the sink, trying to calm myself.  When I looked up into the mirror I didn’t see myself, I saw a ghost of myself.  His eyes were filled with so much pain that it seemed impossible for one person to hold that much pain.  Also, anger burned deep within his eyes, making him look dangerous.  The only thing that didn’t show was the guilt; the guilt that he felt towards himself.  He was the one that made Kura leave, putting her on the brink of death.  It was him that hurt he so much.  The guilt was eating him alive.  It consumed him; unable to face his reflection, he punched it, shattering it into millions of pieces.

Hi ya!  I just wanted to say thank you for being such great fans and readers!  I had a little bit of trouble trying to find the right words to say with this chapter, so let me know if you think I found the right ones.  I just wanted to ask if you thing that i am dragging the hospital thing out to long and if that i should skip ahead or not.  I want to know what you as a reader want!  Please comment and vote, I really want to get a total of 1,000 reads by the next chapter!  Votes would be nice too! ;)  Thank you for being their when i thought that my story wasn't that good!  Love You Guys! <3 ;)

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