Chapter 6 {What Did He Just Say?}

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I stood there in shock.  What did he mean that he wanted to go with me?!  I wasn’t even sure that I was going!

Jason just stood there, staring at his shoes.  After about 5 minutes of silence, Jason opened his mouth to say something, but words came out.  He looked up at me, while excitement, curiosity, pleading, and another emotion flashed across his face.  The last emotion flashed across his face too quickly for me to tell.

Silence still filled the room.  Jason put his hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Kura.” He said heisantly.

“Ye…Yes?” I whispered hoarsely.

“What do you think about me coming with you, to meet Mara?”

“I don’t want you to come.”  I said sternly.

With my words I thought that he would back off.  Instead he just chuckled.  He wiped a tear from his laughter away and said,

“Kura, Kura, Kura.  I don’t care if you want me to go or not, I am going with you.  I know you haven’t asked your parents yet, so I took the liberty of asking your parents.  At first, they were weary, but I told them that I would watch over you.  After all, I am officially 18 as of last week, so you don’t have to worry about taking your parents.”

“So they said yes?”  I tried to say, but my voice cracked mid-sentence.  I felt like I was about to cry; this guy really cared about me.

“Yes, Kura.  We are going to London in two days.”

The tears I was trying to hold back, started to pour down my face.  I threw my arms around Jason’s mid-section.  (I was 5’7’ and he was 6’8’, so that is where my shoulders come up to on him).

For a second, he tensed up.  I looked up at him with thick tears rolling down my face, and he relaxed.  He held me there until my eyes leaked no tears, and my sobs turned into deep breaths.

Jason wiped the last of my tears off of my face, and then sat me down on the bed.  He sat down next to me, and gently wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“Why were you crying?”  He asked softly.

“Because…you did all of that for me.  I have been so worried about this trip and you took care of it.  And to think you were mad at me.”

“Wait.  You thought that I was mad at you?”  He asked sounding confused.

“Yea, remember after my fight with David, you didn’t talk to me until today.”  I said matter-o-factly.

“Oh…I was never mad at you, the fight made me realize that I needed to get my priorities straight.”

I let out a sigh of relief.  Jason smiled at me with my favorite crooked smile.  When I saw his smile, I felt a smile creep across my lips.

We sat smiling like idiots for a few minutes until my butt vibrated.  At first it made me jump, but then I realized that it was just my phone.

There was a text message from Christina.

Hey bestie, do u and your fam want 2 go 2 the lite show with me @ 8?  Luv ya!

I looked up at Jason, watching his face as he read the text message.  When he finished, he looked at me with eyes filled with excitement.

“Yes, you can come, too.”  I sighed, knowing that he wanted to go.  He jumped off of the bed, and said, “Let’s go invite the rest of your family.”

Then he grabbed my hand to pull me up, and went to grab my crutches, but I stopped him.  If I was going to London in two days, I had to start walking without crutches.

He put his hand out for me to take, so I took it.  I started to walk normal for the first few steps, but it hurt really badly.  I had to limp down the stairs, to reach the kitchen.  I called out to the rest of my family to come down to the kitchen.

“Yes honey?”  My mom said once we were all in the kitchen.

“I was wandering if you guys wanted to go to the light show with Christina, Jason, and I?”  I said casually.  My mom looked at me and shook her head.

“I’m sorry baby, but you dad and I are going out to have dinner with some friends.” She said, sadness engulfing her voice.  I looked over at my brothers, but they just shooked their heads “no”; then just walked out of the room.

A few minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring.  My mom voice greeted someone at the door.  I walked to the door to see my mom chatting with Christina.

  “Hi guys ready to go?  Christina said looking at all of us.

“Yea, it is only you, me, and Jason tonight.  Let me grab my purse.” I said ushering her in.  Then I hurried up the stairs to my room.

Grabbing my purse off of my dresser, I took one last took in the mirror, and headed out the door.

20 minutes later, we were at out town’s Show of Lights.  I was sitting on the bleachers huddled next to Christina.  It was freezing out.  I mean, it was December.  Even though it was freezing out, there were 200 people packed onto the bleachers.  No one in town would ever miss the light show.  It was our town’s oldest Christmas tradition.  It was only the 15th, but you could see any day you want.

Jason came back and handed Christina and I each a cup of hot chocolate. 

Christina yelled to Jason, “You are my savior!!” while sipping her hot chocolate.

We both laughed, while sipping at our hot chocolates. 

“Thanks.”  I said leaning against his shoulder.

“No problem.” He whispered as the show started up.

It was absolutely amazing.  The lights flashed to music, and also painted beautiful pictures all around us.  I starred in awe as lights flashed all around us.  I could feel a smile creep over my lips.

Jason nudged me, and I looked up at his face.  He leaned down to my ear, and whispered, “Merry Early Christmas, Kura.”

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