A Love Like War

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New story! Yeah, I know, I'm writing so many stories, and some of them still consist of three chapters. I'm so ashamed. But I have sooooo many story ideas, and I'm the type of girl that will write 7 different stories at the same time and expect it to work out just fine.

I got this idea while I was looking at a flag. I know, so inspirational right?

This is the story of Rose and Connors' roller coaster of love. They both epically changed one another, not in a bad way, but a caring, adventurous way~

Chapter 1

"Don't lie to me Chad!" I screamed at the boy that I once fell in love with. The boy with the shaggy brown hair, dark brown eyes, lips and tongue piercing, and tattooed neck, he was the boy that would always make me feel special. The boy who I caught kissing my best friend. The boy I trusted my gummy bears to in elementary school. Pitiful, I know. The boy who just cheated on me, and won't dare to admit it.

"I told you! I was drunk, we all were!Why are you still freaking out about this, it's giving me a damn headache," He argued back at me. His face was a fiery red, just like mine, except, my short blond hair wasn't sticking up wildly, like it does after an intense make-out session. I still couldn't believe this! I go to the bathroom for one minute, one damn minute, and walk in on Milan straddling Chad and practically sucking his face off.

Not saying that I have super fast pee-powers. I just went to fix my makeup. Lets just say Chad was in charge of this exploration of the human mouth.

How was being drunk a good excuse? I could practically feel the lie. Chad doesn't drink, he never did. I remember him once telling me that it would remind him too much of his father. Yup, I picked the boy with the most baggage.

"I don't have time for this, Chad, I'm sure Milan would be thrilled to continue your exploration. Leave me the hell alone!" I said with a voice full of venom and disgust, I tried to push past him after I grabbed my phone off the table, but his bulky-ness blocked my way.

Bulky-ness was probably the best thing I could come up with. I was too angry to admire his muscles at the moment.

His hand grabbed a tight hold of my wrist and threw me on the ground. Hard. I fell back and my head bounced off the tile, and slammed back down. It felt like somebody hit me over the head with a hammer. I just laid there, groaning in agonizing pain, while the room practically spun like hell. Chad had never hit me, or pushed me, nor has he ever attempted to, or led me to expect it. And this was not what I was expecting. I always thought that it was more likely for me to get raped by Channing Tatum, rather than Chad abusing me.

Being shoved to the ground counts as abuse right?

"Ah..." I hissed in pain. My vision blurred, and I caught a glimpse of Chad's face. He looked hurt, ashamed. He reached out to me but I shrugged away and sagged into the ground.

My vision became blurry, and the room was swirling around me. I hit my head hard and I was dizzy. Now I know what the floors go through every time a kid plays Ring-around-the-rosey. Chad's hand gripped my arms and yanked me roughly off the floor. My brain rocked back and forth while he shook my body rapidly while saying, "Listen, nothing fucking happened. Don't make me hit y-"

I cut him off, tears threatening to rush out of my eyes like a waterfall. What was he saying? I couldn't hold them in any longer, so I let them fall and I choked on my sobs. Chad was crazy.

"No, you listen to me! I swear to god Chad, if you ever touch me again, I'll sue your broke ass! Get the hell out of my way!" I said in between sobs.

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