Unkiss Me

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Unkiss Me by Maroon 5

Chapter 22 Connor


Roe? Who the fuck is this clumsy asshole calling Roe? How does he know my girlfriend?

I sucked in a breath and slipped Rosy's phone into my back pocket. With my free hands I was able to openly crack my knuckles and take a step towards the current offender. Yeah, I may look weak as fuck, and my girlfriend has kicked more ass than I could in a life and a half, but that's not the point. I could crack knuckles.

Without warning, the junkie punk kid reached towards Rosy, who looked like she just shit her pants, and kissed her. It started with a hug, and I thought it was just that. But no, the bitch had the nerve to place his chapped, unsanitary lips on hers.

"Roe! Baby, I've been looking everywhere for you! It's been months, you haven't answered my calls or anything...I'm so sorry baby," The boy with shaggy brown hair, and tattoos said right after kissing my girl.

I was in shock. The way he gripped her face and touched her lips, my lips, I lunged.

My fist flew first, straight into his nose. The beautiful crack was music to my ears. Red blood trickled down his face like paint on a canvas. It felt pretty damn good too, not the blood, punching the bloke.

I pushed him back and glared at Rosy.

"Who the fuck is he?" I asked her calmly. I didn't want to make things worse than they already were by overreacting.

She remained there, frozen in place, and I swear I've never seen her so frightened and surprised. I grew nervous, but only because she didn't answer me. At all.

Was she cheating on me? Dating me just for the hell of it? No, she wouldn't- she would never. Right? She loves me. She loves me. Not the asshole who pulled himself off the ground and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

I looked straight into his dark eyes and spat in his ugly, fuming face. When he let go, I walked forward and pushed him again. Harder, and into a wall. Thinking it would be pretty badass, I gripped the front of his leather jacket and restrained myself from slamming his head into the bricks.

"Who the hell do you think you're calling baby?" I seethed.

He blinked his eyes rapidly and tried to wiggle out of my grip, but I held him in place and asked the question again.

"Rosy, tell me who this grass shit is before I do something that will crease my tie," I said with my head turned away from them both. What the hell was I doing holding a guy who probably held a gun next to his dick?

As if he read my mind, I was pushed onto the ground and straight into Rosy, who wasn't being any fucking help at the moment.

I didn't bother to help her up from the ground when I stood up either.

"She's my girlfriend, and I can call her baby any time that I want. Who the fuck are you anyways?" He said while stepping towards me and shoving a beefy finger into my chest.

It took me a moment to realize how...inflated this guy was. The muscles on his arms were larger than the circumference of the damn sun. His big build made me wonder what the hell I was doing.

Sticking up for yourself and showing him than you could be just as tough?

Something like that.

"Stop it!" Rosy yelled with her hands on her head.

Stop what? We were only sharing a bit of air.

I ignored Rosy's frustration and swatted the finger in front of my face.

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