Hear You Me

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The song I chose is called "Hear You Me" or "May Angels Lead You" by Jimmy Eat World.

Chapter 6

The exquisite suite that I was staying in was huge!

It was like a little apartment. It had a living room, kitchen, bathroom, one bedroom and a balcony. Full of furniture and fine china. The place was just so damned classy I was afraid I would break the bed.

Right now I was currently getting all dolled up for my "date" with Connor. He called me earlier asking if I wanted to hang out, and me being me, said yes. It wasn't really a date, but that's what I wanted it to be. I don't know why, but I just needed some closure.

Wait, scratch that. I do know why. The difficult events in my life just kept adding up.

A new life. A fresh start, was something that I was being offered right now, or at least that's what the commercial on the television said. I clicked it off and scurried over to the long mirror.

I wasn't the type of girl that would dress up for a date. Skinny jeans, hoodie, and some sneakers just about summed up my current appearance.

I grabbed my little bag that went over my head so it rested on my waist and grabbed my phone off of the charger. Connor hadn't texted me back when I asked him where we were going.

"Oh well," I plugged in my earphones and closed the door to my suite, satisfied when I heard the lock click.

When I got outside a pair of hands grabbed me from behind, and I instinctively kicked my leg back above my butt, right in the mans anatomy.

I instantly remembered his face.

"Oh fuck!" I turned around and gasped when I saw Connor in a squatting position holding his...stuff.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I instantly went over to him and helped him stand up. His painful face quickly dispersed and his eyes widened a bit.

"What?" I asked, was I ugly? Was there something in my hair? Was he expecting a different girl?

"You're more beautiful that I remembered," He told me, sincerity dripping from his voice. Connor caught on to why he said and quickly avoided my gaze.

I blushed.

"So, how've you been?" Connor rushed, trying to change the subject.

I looked back up at him and smiled, "Good. Thank you by the way."

Connor smiled, but this time it showed his perfect white teeth that literally killed me. "No problem. So, where do you want to go? Is there anything you'd like to see?"

He waved his hand outwards and we started walking to who knows where. The area was huge, and it kind if scared me a bit. I wasn't used to all of the expensive shops and restaurants. I was used to a ghetto neighborhood and childhood that involved potheads, crooked cops, murders, and gang members, if you know what I mean.

"Hey, you are the one that planned this," I told him. We were suddenly surrounded by shops and cafés. The area was dazzling.

"I know. Come on," Connor reached down an grabbed my hand before he pulled me along the narrow, busy streets.

"Connor, where are we going?"

"Rose, where are we going?"

"Shut up."

"Shut up."

"Connor I swear."

"Rose, close your eyes."

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