Sleeping With a Friend

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A/N btw there has to be a time lapse between each chapter bc this was originally a short story with like 10 paragraphs per chapter. Just wanted to make that clear- Connor and Rosy have known each other for a while.

Song- Sleeping With a Friend by Neon Trees

Chapter 20 ~Rose

I sat quietly on my sofa, sipping a chilled glass of red wine that tasted oddly sour. The room was barely lit, the only light was that of the screen of the television that displayed the brutal slaying of a horde of Walkers.

Jade sniffed beside me when Daryl was forced to kill his own brother. It was a sad couple of minutes for all of us. I gave her shoulder a sympathetic pat and dipped my spoon into the tub of strawberry ice cream in her lap. My hand had been swatted with force as if it were a fly, and I laughed, the bit of ice cream splatted on her bare thigh and traveled the distance down her leg like rain on a window.

Jade and I were seated comfortably in my living room, lights out with ice cream and dressed in loose clothing. The Walking Dead marathon topped the whole thing off, it was nice to catch up with the show before the season premier. Especially if the show had someone as gorgeous as Daryl slaughtering the reanimated beasts with his signature weapon.

Jade was pretty angry at Blake for standing her up, but when she saw him at the shop with a black rose her heart melted, she loved the colour. Sadly, this time she turned him down, but only because she promised to come over tonight. I felt the slightest bit if guilt for stealing his date, but hey, that's life. Anybody can get ride along and steal someone's girl.

And that is why Blake is currently sprawled out on the carpet, in front of the television surrounded by wrappers of cookies and candies of all sorts. He was quite fun and surprisingly pleasant not something you would expect from someone who Jade likes very much. I half expected him to be going for that tough guy image, maybe even shy. But he was nothing of the sort. Maybe it was because of all the black. Such a common colour nowadays.

Blake had a cute girlish laugh, which made it impossible to hold a straight face around him. His eyes danced with a type if adoration that made them sparkle and when he watched Jade react to different parts of the show. He always smiled even when bad things happened, and I swear I saw him shed a tear when Shane got shot.

In a sense, Blake was perfect for Jade. And she, him. He was so positive about life and the things around him, and that made him perfect. For Jade that is. They made it so obvious that they liked each other, if you couldn't see the connection they had, you'd have to be blind.

"So, when am I going to meet this Connor? I mean, I gotta make sure this is the right guy for my girls best friend. Don't want any random lad have a bad influence on you ya know," Blake asked in a deep, parental voice as the dreaded commercials began to roll in.

I smiled, and Jade playfully punched his arm and told him it wasn't any of his concern. And I assured her that it was alright.

"He should be home anytime now, his dad rarely takes him to these meetings and speech things," I informed him and shoved a mouthful of my own ice cream into my mouth. My teeth instantly ached from the chill of the sweet dessert and I grimaced from the sudden pain.

"Why doesn't his dad take him out? I mean, nobody ever sees the kid standing by his own dad during speeches and things. It's a wonder that some people are able to point him out on the streets, the kid could be a damned ghost," Blake said while playing with Jade's long fingers with chipped, black nails.

He had a point, Connor had never been displayed to the public more at least than once. Some don't even know that the president has a son. Maybe because the president hated his son.

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