I Just Wanna Run

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I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction is the song on the side.

Chapter 2

Have you ever hated someone so much, and you desperately wanted something terrible to happen to them? Perhaps a private visit from the grim reaper? Did your wish finally come true, and you were all happy at first, but then you saw all of the pain, sorrow, and suffering their loved ones went through? Did you feel guilty? Regretful even? Yeah, well I'm sure you have, but me? Haha funny. No. To me, people get what they deserve. There's always something great that can happen when someone you hate can die. But if they never die, nothing great will happen. Probably things in the future will happen, but the other option still wasn't chosen.

First Chad, now that drunken fool I call my father? Are you kidding me?

The cold night's air slapped my face once more, and I immediately felt relaxed. Alone on the open road, well its actually me and some other car driving on the freeway that's taking me to who-knows-where, but yeah. I sighed in relief. Chad, and my father were far away from me now. That's one pro. But I'm fucking homeless. And broke. And single. I don't know if that's a pro, or a con, but either way everything is just bullshit.

Having left everything, and everyone back at home makes me feel empty. I miss my bed, microwave dinners, my friend Cher, and I miss Chad. Not my dad though. I'm happy about that. But, I've always wanted to be free, and live a life of my own. This is not what I meant. Nothing close.

I keep having this feeling that I will just shoot awake in my bed, and none of this junk would have ever happened. It would be all a dream. Yeah, a dream. A cruddy, cruddy dream. But noooo, no matter how many times I keep pinching my arm, I just feel pain. Stupid movies, getting me all hype.

I started to speed up a bit when I realized that the car was coming a little too close behind me. If I were to call the brakes right now, I would probably die. Not to mention the fact that this dudes truck was huge. The red pickup truck had a step on the two car doors so short people, like me, could get into the damn thing. The license plate frame was black, with metallic swirly things that hugged the words "Aw-sum*"

Theres only one person I know who actually spells awesome like that. I looked behind my shoulder to prove my theory. Tinted windows, and white fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror that sat on the roof of the car. Yep, I was right.

Chad was following me. And by the looks of it, he was trying to run me off the damn road. When did he even get up? His engine hummed loudly as the gas accelerated. Damn horse-power. I sped down an open lane, actually they were all open; but this makes me feel like I'm in heavy traffic, so bear with me. Anyways, I sped down an open lane, and swerved from the left to the right, trying to force the idiot into a fishtail to throw him off course. He was to smart for my tricks. He stayed in the same lane as he had before, going faster by the second, and scaring me when he got too close. What is his problem? If he wanted me back he could've just asked, instead of trying to run me over.

They way he was driving began to creep me out. He would flicker his high beams, to distract me, or turn around and act like he was leaving, but we all know you can't make a U-turn in the middle of the freeway. Unless you're James Bond. Or Batman. Then it's totally legit.

I thanked the lord almighty when I saw a sign, indicating that the next exit was coming up. Here's my chance. I looked in my small teacup sized mirror that was attached to my bike to make sure he was still following. I sped as fast as I could, straight ahead, making it look like I didn't notice the exit. Chad did just as I hoped, he sped along with me, trying desperatly not to lose me. And oh did he try.

With the power of my motor cycle, I spun the bike around, totally dissing the rules of the road, and made the most illegal U-turn known to mankind. My bike soared through the freeway lane, and I did another quick turn for that exit I missed earlier. Or, at least that's what I tried to do. Instead, Chad's car clipped the back of my bike before I managed to even make my U-turn.

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