Doesn't Get Better

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This is just a filer and was a bit rushed.

Song that I have chosen and will later on put to the side -> is by Alex Aiono. 

Chapter 7

"Kiss me Roe," his voice was calm and seducive. I smiled and traced a finger down his bare chest.

With a little girly moan, I closed the space between us and planted my lips on his. My lips felt cold and chapped against his smooth warm ones. But I knew he wouldn't mind. He held me tighter while he deepened the mind-blowing kiss, well, my first kiss actually. I was thinking about how we sat down and planned how we would spend the remaining moments of our lives together. He told me the only other girl he would ever love would be our daughter. Which made me erupt in tears.

When he pulled away, all of the warm fiery moments disappeared, but came back again when he chewed on my ear. His warm breath felt like heaven against my skin, while he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

I couldn't help but moan his name when he bit me again.

"Oh Chad."

I awoke with a start when I felt someone breathing on my face. There was a hand caressing it too. I quickly opened my eyes to see Connor, leaning above me, hand on my face, eyes closed, and lips puckered.

"Connor!" I yelled and sat up in a straight position. I pushed his body off of mine, and looked down to make sure that I was wearing the clothes that I had retrieved from my hotel room.

Connor immeaditely opened his eyes and hopped away from me, after letting out a string of silent curse words. I just stared at him in shock while he ran a hand threw his hair and stuttered.

"What were you-"

"Shit, I-I'm sorry, its just, I mean, I was just-" He rambled. His eyes were full of worry, while his cheeks were expressing the heavy amount of embarrassment he was trying to contain.

Uh yeah, you fucked up.

What was he trying to do? I'm not Sleeping Beauty. Well, I mean scoff I am beautiful...

I tried to smile, even though I was one hundred percent freaked out. I still had my clothes on so he didn't rape me, but Connor...wasn't wearing a shirt...

No. It can't be, we couldn't have. I was dreaming about Chad, not him.

"It's okay," I assured him, but it really wasn't okay.

Connor's eyes widened and I watched as he walked to the bedroom door as if he were about to leave, I dont remeber asking him to come sleep with me. His shirt was on the floor, and he was pretty sexy with his wild bed hair. It kinda made him look pretty badass, if he wasn't such a nerd.

"It is?" he asked, Connor was truly dying inside, I could tell by the way he shifted on one foot to the other. I grinned and got out of my new bed, which made me feel like a queen, by the way.

I nodded and grinned some more, "Of course it's okay, but Connor, I know that I'm hot and all, but-"

Connor groaned and slammed his head on the door flame, his face was a nice cherry red.

"So, aside from the fact that you probably felt me up while I was asleep, did you at least make me food?" I begged.

There was so much food in the kitchen, I didn't know what the hell to do with it all.

Connor smiled proudly and nodded. "Onward!" He shouted and pointed a finger towards the kitchen. I laughed when he took long, goofy strides, with his finger still up in the air.

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