I'm Ready

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I'm Ready by AJR

Authors Note

There is going to be a part two of this chapter.

Ps, I would make this chapter longer, but wattpad still isn't letting me upload the rest of what I wrote.

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Chapter 17

"It's pink."

"It's lovely."

"It's pink."

"It's beautiful."

"It's pink."

"It's h-"

"It's fucking pink, Connor!"

Connor bit the right corner of his lip and scratched the black hair on top of his head.

"Pink makes you look sexy." He assured while pulling me into a half hug with a smile picking his dimpled cheeks.

Who made those anyways?

Like seriously, half of a hug? Why can't I get a whole? Is it because he was to lazy to make an effort to actually hug his girlfriend? Was I not worthy of a full, chest to chest hug? What's the point of the whole thing anyways? It should just be called a Hu, or something weird like that.

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest, one of his arms still rested sloppily on my shoulders, but I never made an effort to remove it. I liked it there. Most of the time.

"So when I wear black I'm unattractive?" I countered while I pretended to look highly offended.

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He stood there stuttering for a minute until his words became coherent.

"I didn't say that."

"You implied it."

"No, I didn't. You always look sexy."

I pouted, "Promise?"


"Oh god, will you two just shut the fuck up already?" Jade groaned from the front of her car and threw a pen in our direction. A pen.

I leaned forward and flicked the pair of black fuzzy dice that I, well Connor, bought for her.

Yeah, I was meeting Connor's parents today. A nervous wreck is exactly what I was. My dress was pink with various colored sparkles that blinded Connor in the sunlight, and my heels a few inches too high which made me wobble. I've never felt so out of place, so out of my element. When I looked into the mirror, I mistook myself for a five year old child playing dress up.

Connor on the other hand, looked like a damn model. His shirt was a nice, black button up, a pink tie hung loosely over his broad shoulders, and he had the ability to make shiny dress shoes look hot. Like, really hot. I drooled at him for a good amount of time before he turned and smirked in my direction.

I'm kind of glad that Connors car broke down at the last minute, because if it hadn't, we wouldn't have had a whole hour to ourselves. I blushed at the intimate memory.

Jade was kind enough to give us a ride, while Maggie took care of Connors car at the shop. Well, her brother did.

I sighed, these girls were so helpful.

"Left or right?" Jade asked after an agonizing time of silence. The loud, scary music was thrown out of the window by yours truly.

I laughed, "How do you not know how to get to the White House?"

She glared at me in the mirror, and Connor put his left hand on my thigh before he spoke. The cool metal of his diamond watch rubbed against my other leg, which for some reason burned instantly, and I very much enjoyed it.

"Left, they're not going to open the front gates for an unknown vehicle, Rosy," He informed me with his husky, yet soft voice.

My mouth took the shape of an 'O', and Jade snickered. I merely threw a kick at her seat and occupied my lips with Connors.

His lips tasted like the sweetest mint, they always kept me begging for more. He's gotten pretty good at kissing, hell he might've been better than I.

As our lips touched and our tongues flicked, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to be in this position.

Sitting in your best friends car while making out with the son of the president in a sparkly pink dress.

No, sitting in my best friends car while making out with a boy who loves me, in a sparkly pink dress.

For so long I was caught up in Chad. A boy with tattoos and piercings that covered every visible inch of his pale body. He probably never even liked me. The way he kissed Milan, I shivered. It was like he knew every inch of her.

And then my dad, oh my dad. I wanted to just break down and cry. His note pissed me off so badly, and hurt me more than his physical and emotional abuse. I still had his letter though. After I grabbed all of the torn and crumbled pieces, I carefully taped them back together, and shoved it deep inside my pocket.

My mother was the next thing in my thoughts. Where did she go? What is she doing know? How is she? Who is she with? All these questions that would probably never be answered. She left me, and dad, I shouldn't be worrying about her. But I am. I'm always worrying.

I tried to shake the past thoughts away from my mind, and just loose myself in the kiss. It was too easy.

Connors hands burned the skin off my neck, and under my dress. It wasn't long before I was tugging at his shirt, and pouting when he pulled away.

"Eager are we?" His words came out in jagged breaths, as did mine.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"God, get the hell out of my car, I can't have it smell like sex all the time!" Jade eventually pulled over to a curb just outside Connors home, and we slipped out of the car. I waved as Jade honked her horn twice before speeding down the streets of Washington.

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