Little Talks

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Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men

A/N the parent thing may be a bit short because that was something I  didn't want to write. So I made it simple.

Chapter 18 Connor

Rosy's lip tasted like crisp lemon while I licked tantalizing stripes across it. Her bottom lip has always been my favorite, always plump and red like the sweetest Motts apple.

She was my apple. No, lemon. She was my lemon.

No more fruit talk, Connor. Just shut the hell up and make out with your girlfriend.

I smirked, girlfriend is a beautiful word. Even though I hated to label her, it was kind of relevant.

I loved kissing her, even if it was only a slight, brush of my lips on her cheek; it felt amazing.

My heart screeched to a halt when her fingers trailed down to my chest and plunged into my pants.

After every kiss, I couldn't help but imagine how she would look under me, dressed in the smallest, most revealing piece of lingerie, red would look best. The thought always made me squirm, it's not easy to control yourself around a girl like her. It's not. Maybe I should buy her some sexy clothes. She'd fucking love it, and so would I.

Her hair managed to grow longer, now the blonde strands fanned the curve of her tanned shoulders. The shortest tips of her bangs were cut just above her left eye and ended near her cheeks.

Rosy's face was in fact, rosy after every kiss, and touch. That was a sign that I was doing it right.

God, she's so amazing. Her urge to apologize for being annoyingly depressing meant nothing to me. Nor did the scars inside and outside her body.

She looked amazing in the pink, sparkly dress that Maggie ended up purchasing after Rosy went and bought more pants. I loved her hate for the colour.

I loved her laugh, she told me that her giggles resembled a dying walrus's wail, but it was nothing near it. It was cute, and sweet. Certainly nothing that you would expect from a girl can kick your ass with a snap of her nimble fingers.

My mind couldn't help but wonder to the memory of this morning. Thank you God for letting my car break down. And thank you for letting Jadet get stuck in traffic for over an hour. Rosy was a good fuck, even if she was my only fuck, every fuck became more amazing than the last.

To pay our debts, Rosy and I walked down to a small, corner store, and bought her a pair of fuzzy dice. Rosy picked it out, how was I supposed to know that Jade hated Hello Kitty?

I shook off the thoughts, and continued to kiss the beautiful girl straddling my lap.

My left hand gripped the back of her vanilla scented neck, while the other hand slowly made it's way under her pink dress and trailed up her leg. Lyrics from a currently popular Beyoncé song found it's way into my head, but I grimaced and blotted them out.

Rosy began to tug at my shirt, hinting to me that it shouldn't be on. I laughed, and brushed my lips against hers before pulling away.

"Eager are we?" I wasn't sure if she was able to understand me, because my breaths were so harsh.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She winked with a voice that was equally as hoarse as mine. I stroked her pink cheek with the back of my hand.

It was Jadet's voice that pulled us from our lovey trance.

"God, get the hell out of my car, I can't have it smell like sex all the time!" Jadet groaned before pulling over to a curb, and ushering us out of her car. I stood on the sidewalk with an arm around Rosy's thin waist, and watched her friends reckless driving continue.

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