This House Is A Circus

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This house is a circus~ Arctic Monkeys

Sorry for not updating.

And gah, wattpad is so glitchy and it won't let me upload the rest of the chapter. So I just had to end it early.

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Dear Love,

Hey, it's been a while. How have you been? Oh, that's nice. I just wanted to say a few things to you. So here goes. Well, you've fucked me up in so many cruel ways. You cheated on me, you attacked me, you left me nearing my death in the middle of the damned freeway, you left me alone at parties and stag prom, even pitiful on Valentines Day. But alas, that was in the past, the cruel cruel past. You see, I'm better now. Nobody's cheating on me, nobody wants to hurt me, nobody leaves me tattered in the freeway, I'm not alone anymore, nor am I open to the pity you all like to offer. I've outgrown you Love, outsmarted you even. I can control you now. I found a boy who cares about me now, he loves me more and treats me well, that's all I care about. Oh, and tell Cupid I said hi, sneaky little bastard...

Never your friend,


• • • • •

Chapter 16

"Where are we going now?" I groaned from the back of the car.

Jade kept driving and Mag threw a tattered magazine at me from behind. I quickly caught it and flung it out my open window.

"Rosy! What the hell? That was my favorite magazine!" Maggie yelled from up front, I could tell that her arms were crossed and her eyes narrowed.

"Bitch move Rosy," said Jade.

I bitterly chuckled and rolled my window up, so the cool Washington breeze didn't blend with the neutral warmth of the car.

"Guys, really, c'mon," I whined. When they didn't acknowledge me, I kicked each of their seats repeatedly with my boot. Jade scratched her dyed head, which was now a deep purple, and nudged Maggie.

I notice them mouth words to one another, but from the angle I was sitting, I couldn't decipher the words.

"Secrets hurt people," I stated while angrily crossing my arms.

I desperately wanted to know why they decided to kidnap me during my lunch, and shove me into a car. Luckily, I was dressed and ready to go.

"Connor gave us strict orders," Maggie said, not looking away from Jade, even though she was still driving us to god knows where.

I blinked, "Connor set this up?"

Jade merely nodded, turning the steering with one hand to the right. She told me that it was a secret I wasn't supposed to know.

I sighed, of course Connor set this thing up, he's always doing silly little things like this.

For the whole ride, I continued to kick seats and groan obnoxiously in attempt to crack the two girls up front. But alas, they wouldn't budge. Maggie almost did, but Jade shoved a fry into her mouth while driving out of a fast food restaurants drive through.

• • • • •

"Finally! Get your stubborn ass out of the car, Rosy," Jade said while removing her seatbelt and killing the engine of her car. Her car, god I'm almost twenty and I don't even have a car.

Maggie pranced happily out of the vehicle, after fixing her hair and make up of course.

Once I was out of the car, I took in my surroundings. Sadly, I didn't recognize anything around me. It looked to be a nice, large shopping center. There was a sign that contained a map of the stores, and what category they fell in.

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