Tonight You're Perfect

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Tonight You're Perfect - New Politics


Chapter 15

"Rosy, what are we?" Connor asked me as he stared up at the starry night sky. His sleeved arms were resting naturally on his chest, and his feet were crossed. The side of his face that I've been gazing at looked so perfect.

I laughed at the small bit of stubble on his jaw. It made him look even more sexy than he already was.

I was a bit taken back by his question, and I couldn't help but feel a tad bit hurt. Didn't he already know?

I mean, we have been together for quiet a while. I gave him my trust, while he have me his virginity. I think that's enough for a label at least.

I decided to just play it off, and act like I wasn't offended. Not like I was.

"Human," I said calmly before turning away from him and looking at the constellations instead. I didn't know any actually, but when Connor pointed one out, I nodded along and pretended that I knew who's belt he was blabbing about.

The grass beneath me tickled my ear, and I brushed it away

"No, I relationship terms," Connor sighed and leaned forward to cross his arms under his head, which had tiny bits of grass in it.

"Connor how many times are you going to ask me this?"

"As many as it takes to get a valid answer," He replied.

"Okay. Well what do you want us to be?"

My stomach knotted, and I waited patiently for him to give me the answer I've been waiting for.



"Connor you are sitting right next to me," I chucked.

Connor didn't find that very funny. He just rolled his eyes, and rubbed his shoes against the fluffy, green grass.

"No, like together."

"Oh," I mumbled.

I sat up from the floor and Connor reached forward to wipe away the dirt from my shirt, and the leaves from my hair.

"Yeah. So..." He trailed.

"God damn you're weird," I smiled. Why couldn't he just hurry up with it? Shouldn't the guys make it super romantic and perfect?

Then again, he was new to all of this stuff.

"What?" Conner asked and sat up next to me, nudging my bare arm.

"Just ask me idiot."

Connor shook his head, and his hair barely shifted. It was that perfect.

"Ask you what?" He was so innocently cute I wanted to strangle him. What a straightforward boyfriend he was.

Wait, we didn't even agree on being boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Fine, I'll do it."

"Wait. What are we talking about?"

Connor, oh my fucking god. I groaned, and slammed my head down on his lap.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked, turning to face him. I grabbed his hands in my own, to top it off.

"Fuck yeah," He scoffed and gripped my hands. I loved how they fitted perfectly in his.

"Alright then. Now was that so hard?" I laughed. So, we are dating now.

"Yes. It was," Connor told me.

"Even when you practically made me ask you out?"

"Even when I practically made you ask me out."

I leaned forward with a smirk, and kissed his pink lips. It was a short kiss, but it still managed to make my stomach fuzzy.

He ruffled my hair, and I slapped his hand.

"Well there's your answer," I said to him.

"To what?" He looked confused for what, the tenth time?

"Your damn question," I glared at the boy, and playfully punched his shoulder.

He had the attention span of a fish.

"Which question?" Connor asked, eyes wide.

I groaned.

"Connor I swear to God-"

"I'm kidding!" He laughed playfully before putting an arm around my shoulder, and kissing my neck.

I loved when he did that.

I pulled his face up to mine, and looked deeply into his electric blue eyes.

"You've been a good boyfriend," I admitted.

Connor blinked, "But we just made it official like thirty seconds ago."

I grabbed his hand, "I know."

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