It's About Time

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It's about Time by Young The Giant

Chapter 21

It was just a regular Tuesday morning and me and the girls were casually working our butts off before the holidays. Many people thought that this place was hip enough to buy presents from. I guess it was alright. Business was booming and hey, we were not complaining. Okay, maybe we were. Only because the majority of customers were rude, impatient, and very untidy.

Imagine what it's like going into a store, late night on Black Friday. It's fucking crazy, thank god we were going to be closed that day. But today still felt like one of the busiest days ever.

Maggie and I thought it would help to swap positions hourly, from working the register and restocking the clothing and accessories. Jadet spent her time with Mar, helping unsure customers and monitoring the dressing rooms.

The last thing we needed was a group of teenage girls layering on their bras. Jade was one hell of a good body guard.

I was seated at the register, calmly waiting for a girl about my age to scavenge thirty-four dollars and ninety-eight cents from her yellow, round clutch. After about a minute and an older woman behind her telling her to hurry up!, the boy beside her pulled out a plastic card from his pocket and slapped it down beside the register next to my hand.

I flinched from the sudden action, and wiped the chill of the air off of my knuckles.

I looked up at him, his hazel eyes met hers and he leaned forward to kiss her temple and threw a turquoise sleeved arm around her, pulling her close. If any boy could rock a turquoise turtleneck, it was him.

"I got it babe," He whispered and kissed her head again. I smiled slightly to myself, thinking of the many times that Connor had done the exact same for me.

That turtleneck boy must be her boyfriend, I thought. Of course he was, why would he kiss her and call her babe? I mentally shook my head assuring myself that it wasn't any of my concern. My hand swiped the card, I didn't even bother to ask for identification because I was too distracted with relationships.

As I was giving the brunette her two bags and receipt, her boyfriend stepped away and went outside.

She reached for the bag, but I closed my hand tightly around it, leaning in close like Turtleneck did- but with different intentions.

"He takes you shopping and pays? That tur-boy is a keeper," I laughed at my mistake and let go of the bag, allowing her take it and furiously try to erase the deep, crimson blush for her cheeks.

"I know," She giggled, her laugh sounding surprisingly similar to Blake's last night.

I chuckled, replaying the events of last night in the slowest way possible, and waved over the next customer.

I gave her the required hello, how are you today? and rung up her items, not paying her much attention. Most of the people who came to the shop were women, or teenage boys coming in to flirt with the employees. Maggie and Mar, however, never complained about the boys.

After helping about four more customers, my fingers ached from punching the buttons on the register and dealing with money. I called over for Maggie to take over the position for a bit.

She pointed her French tipped finger towards a rack of bra and underwear sets before shuffling over to the register.

"The top rack is full of things that need to be put back, damn kids," She grumbled and looked down at her wrist to check her watch and back at me, "Are you on lunch?"

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