Say You Like Me

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Song that I'm mentioning is by a good band, We The Kings.

Chapter 11

I kept furiously pacing back and forth in the middle of my living room, praying desperately for me to fall asleep tonight and have all of this be just some horrid nightmare. But that isn't going to happen. This is reality. My fucked up reality.

I looked up at the ticking clock once more, five minutes to four. Great. I've been having a break down for almost seven hours.

I tried calling him. I called, texted, left various voicemails, but still received no response whatsoever from Connor.

Maybe he's dead.

He must be dead.

Holy shit the love of my life is dead. Wait, the love of my life? Damn I got it bad. So fucking bad.

I punched my stomach when it groaned. I didn't have time for hunger.

Breakfast was the only thing I had managed to choke down. That and a glass of water, but that was hours ago. And I'm hungry every thirty minutes.

I was saving my appetite just in case Connor came back and offered to take me to lunch.

Gosh I'm terrible. Take me to lunch? I'm starting to wonder if I love his money more than him. That can't be true though, I love his hair, his eyes, the way he can make me smile by just breathing, I loved his laugh, his voice, just him.

Sighing, I plopped down onto the rug and tried to relax. It's not like Connor lives here. He has a family. A family that loves and misses him as much as I. And was I jealous? Not at all. A boy like him deserves a girl that's better. One that hasn't got Pain as her middle name. One who smiles, and doesn't get high off her ass at parties.

I looked around at the apartment he bought me. He bought me an apartment. A fucking apartment. The best Chad had done was spend about three bucks on one of those carnival games and win me a stuffed toy...and buy me a motorbike.

I looked at the large television and soft plush couches. This place was amazing. And how did I pay him back? Yeah, I did nothing. Nothing at all, except swipe his V card but that's it. I just keep taking, from him especially.

I tried to ignore the many calls and text messages from the girls, but it was too difficult. I called them this morning and explained everything, Maggie promised to go check out the cafe that he works at, and Jade- being the perfect badass girl like me, promised to put him in a chokehold.

Another hour passed and I finally managed to realize how pathetic I was being.

Get a grip Rose, it's just a boy.

"A damn sexy one," I said while I sat up off of the floor. I stretched my arms and legs and groaned in the process. My body was magnetically pulled to the kitchen, but I wasn't complaining.

My hands reached up to swing open various cabinets and drawers, but al I found was cereal boxes and kitchen utensils. I trudged to the refrigerator, a teenagers Disneyland. My eyes desperately scanned the inside if the freezer in search of something appealing.

My stomach moaned when my eyes landed on a tub of mint ice-cream. I quickly pulled it out of the cold and grabbed a spoon from the drawer. I didn't bother to grab a bowl.

Two hours later and the ending credits of Rush Hour came up. I tossed the empty tub of ice cream, that was once full, onto the coffee table and sat up. My hair was probably a mess, and my clothes were wrinkled. I'm about one hundred percent sure that my face was covered in ice-cream.

Slowly, but surely I managed to stand up from the couch and stretch out my limbs. The sound I made while doing so sounded like a tortured cat.

I dragged my body out if the living room, and walked the distance to my bed room. The blanket was still sprawled out on the floor from this morning. I picked it up and threw it on the bed before I sat down. It was already dark out, and I spent this whole damned day thinking about Connor.

Stupid Connor.

I rubbed my face with my hands and sighed.

I laid my body down onto the bed and was immediately enveloped by the warm fluffy pillows.

My hand fell off of the side of the bed and landed on something hard. Letting out a faint knocking sound.

Five of my fingers curiously grasped the object and pulled it up beside me.

My skateboard. I ran a hand over the sandpaper-like material of the board. I missed how it felt to ride this thing around my dingy neighborhood, the wind slapping my face and pulling my hair was like heaven.

I flipped over the board and touched the picture that was stuck with tape.

My family picture. One corner of the photo was bent and scratched from when the frame fell.

A stray tear fell from my eye. Just one, because that's all that I would let loose.

Guess where that one, stray tear fell. Right on my young, innocent, smiling face.

I flung the board across the room.


Maybe I should have just combined the last chapter with this one.

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