Chapter Thirty-Four.

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Erik spent all of yesterday in his room and the entire morning as well. I had to apologize. I had to repent for the way I denied him - I had to love him. There was no question any more and I knew I had to learn to love him. He needed my love and would not be completely alright without it.

I parted the curtains to his room and saw him hunched over the coffin. He turned to me, but when he realized my presence he went behind another black curtain that I hadn't noticed before. I steadily followed him and entered this odd chamber which was dark and cold. I couldn't see a thing as I blindly made my way down the passage, suddenly touching skin that I was familiar with. Erik wrapped me in his cloak and with the snap of his finger, I appeared in his room again.

He stood beside the coffin, arms folded, looking at me with cold, yellow eyes, "Erik, please-"

"A moment, if you will," I watched cautiously as he came even closer to me, resting his cool hands on my shoulders, "Is that really why you came here?"

Honesty - I had to be honest, "It is. But, Erik-"

"No. No, just let me die in peace."

"Erik, listen to me!"

My sudden change in tone had startled me and it left Erik speechless. I felt a single tear run down my cheek and rushed up to pull him into my embrace, which he nervously welcomed, "I want to learn to love you, Erik. I want to be your wife and I want to share the rest of my days with you, but I haven't any idea where or how to start."

He pulled me away, kissing my forehead in response. I stood on my toes to give him a true kiss and he shivered at the contact, wrapping his arms around my waist. When we broke, he began to speak, "Start simply."

Of course. Giving simple things showed the greatest amount of love. A kiss in the morning, embracing at night, caring for the husband hard at work - all traditional things that Erik might have wanted, "Perhaps I shall start writing letters. Would you mind going to Madame Giry?"

"Not at all. I shall go this evening. Your letters will be delivered in exactly five days if she accepts."

With a nod, I went into the mauve room and sat down at the writing desk. Erik kissed my cheek and embraced me all around, "I will be going to Madame, alright."

"Erik," I removed his arms and turned to face him - the thoughts were scaring me, "what if she denies you? I wouldn't know what to do."

"She will agree, Christine. I promise. Once she sees us together, she will approve."

I pulled the inkwell and quil to the right side of the desk, two pieces of parchment sent in front of me, and Erik pulled me to him for a kiss. I melted into his mouth as his arms snaked round my waist, but he had abruptly separated, "We should hold off on that kind of contact until we are wed."

I nodded in agreement and he left the room as I focused back to the parchment on the writing desk. I saw a hand mirror in the left corner of the desk and, picking it up, the mirror had glared against the gas lamp in the top center. Upon focusing my eyes, I realized how pink my cheeks had turned and began to cry - what was this I was feeling? Whatever it was, whatever it was doing, frightened me. I did not know how to handle things like this.



The wide brim of my fedora and the cover of my black cloak had never failed to keep me well-hidden in the night and they weren't even now. I stood in front of Madame's home, my nerves beginning to make me feel quite uneasy. She would accept - I knew ways to make sure she would - but this would be the rest of my life. Christine was actually allowing me to be her husband and she would try to... to love me. The thought alone was enough to keep me satisfied.

I saw, through a window to the right of the house, the flicker of a candle and knew this had to be done quickly. I glanced down at the bandages on my hands, then went up to the door and knocked. There was hesitance, with the candlelight moving slowly about in the right window, until the front door had opened. Madame's eyes widened at me and I bowed my head respectfully, removing my fedora. Luckily I had that special mask - a black mask which allowed me to blend in with the dark, "E- Erik? How did you survive the fire? What is going on?"

"There is much to explain, Madame. Your daughter is sleeping, correct?"

"Well, I'm not sure. Meg?"

The blonde came rushing downstairs, nodding at her mother, "Yes, mo-"

No sooner than she had seen me had she fainted upon the staircase, Madame holding her mouth in shock, "Have you done something to her?"

"No, Madame. Ladies simply fawn over me," I chuckled with sarcasm, handing her three white roses, "Here you are. I believe your dining table could use a fresh centerpiece."

I went into her family room, seeing the arrangement of loved ones photos across the fireplace - a young one of her and her husband in wedding attire, which coincidental considering the circumstances. Her footsteps sounded just behind me and I turned to see her in a pink armchair beside the fireplace, opening a book and sipping from a teacup, "Well, would you care for tea, Erik?"

"No, thank you, Madame," I sighed, sinking into the desk chair, "I am here for something rather important."

"You said you needed to explain?"

"Ah, yes. You see, I let Christine go almost a fortnight ago, but she came back to me to help clear up an... episode I was having."

"What does this have to do with me? Besides all that, whatever happened to her marrying the Vicomte de Chagny?"

"She talked about seeing something, but I have no idea. The reason I came is bigger, however," I went over to the fireplace, glancing at various other wedding photos, "If we are correct, you are Christine's guardian."

"Yes," I turned to her and she eyed me with suspicion, "Erik, you are scaring me. What is it you want?"

"Christine has humbly agreed to be my bride and I need your blessing if we are to do this professionally."

Madame set her book aside and her teacup down. Obviously shocked by my request, she stood up and, with a hand over her mouth, gazed at her wedding photo. She then looked to me and removed her hand, struck with awe, "Erik, do you have any idea what goes into being a husband? Lord forbid she falls with child! The opera cellars are no place for a family!"

"You seem to forget about that house in Rouen."

"Your mother's old house? Why, that place is in the poorest of conditions!"

"Madame, you are speaking to the man who designed the opera in tandem with Garnier."

She nodded, shaking her head approvingly, "I haven't an idea why I fear. You probably don't even know how your wedding night operates," though my mind wanted to argue, I knew my body was a child when it came to physical acts - especially after I fainted from a single kiss, "I give you my blessing. But who will marry you two?"

"I was hoping you still knew Harrison."

She nodded, "Alright. I suppose he will wed you. Do you know when she wants to marry so that I may have her here the night prior?"

"She hasn't said a word about that, but I shall tell her to include it in her letters."


The room went silent and I gazed around at the red, gold-tinged walls. She nodded at me, "Thank you, Madame. Truly. I thank you with all my heart."

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