Chapter Forty-Seven.

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Being freshly bathed, without the restrictions of a corset, I went down to the family room to wait for my possible guests. Ayesha loved to cuddle up to my stomach, her ear right beside the tiny bump, and sleep to the sound of my growing baby. It was rather sweet to look at and even Erik, before going to need every night, would rest his head on my little bump. My husband, then, had prepared an odd concoction of foods for my child's health and I ate them slowly - though they were bitter, I kept telling myself they were necessary and that made everything better.

He sat with me on loveseat, softly stroking Ayesha who still laid there pressed against my belly, and the doorbell rang for a moment, "I'll be right back."

Erik whispered that before leaving and I looked down at Ayesha who had finally raised her head with a soft mew. I rubbed the spot between her eyes and she began to purr until Erik opened the front door. She let out an array of noises before running upstairs and three people stepped into the family room, all with gifts in their hands, "Christine!"

I jumped from the couch and tightly embraced my friend Meg, Madame Giry laughing at us, "Now we do not want the child to come out yet, do we?"

"Madame," I smiled, gently embracing her.

"Hello, Christine. So, there will be supper?"

"Yes. I have bought several delicious ingredients."

"Becoming a real wife, aren't you?" Madame looked over me like I was a proud creation of artwork, "Your father would be proud."


Sitting back into the loveseat, with Meg by my side, Erik came into the family with Nadir, who also had a gift. Madame set her gifts beside me before taking a seat in the red armchair, where Erik sat by my feet and Nadir brought up the writing desk chair, "You are all so kind."

I picked my first gift and Meg smiled brightly, "I hope you'll like them. I bought it with you in mind."

Upon opening the package, I found beautiful, white nightclothes that were paired with a white cap and slippers both made of satin - all sized for a baby. Tears came to my eyes as I thought of holding my child in this lovely outfit and I embraced my friend, crying into her shoulder, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Christine," Erik rested his hand on my knee, gazing up at me - that look meant he wanted me to control myself and I wiped my eyes after a soft laugh, "Next gift, my dear."

I accepted the next gift and apologized to him, unwrapping the tiny box. Inside was a silver charm bracelet and Madame grinned to me, "Gustav wanted you to have it when you were old enough. It is also from your mother."

Oh, my feelings! If it weren't for Erik, I would have bawled at the heirloom, but then Madame gave me something else - this time, a bigger box, "And this is also rather important, should you have a son."

Inside the box was a brown traveling coat that appeared to have belonged to a small boy. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying at the smell because it emulated my father's favorite oat and chestnut soap, "This was also your father's."

I smiled, setting it fondly onto the coffee table as I put on the charm bracelet - father would have loved to see me now. Then, the last and final box was passed down to me and I knew exactly who it came from. Nadir nodded at me as I opened the box, pulling out these brilliantly colorful robes. I assumed they were from his country, "My wife said fond things about those robes. She says they are very comfortable during the later weeks."

"Thank you," said I, for the third time, "Thank you, everyone," I stood from the loveseat, Erik accompanying me, "I still have bread and potatoes in the oven, so supper will be on in fifteen minutes."

Erik followed me into the kitchen as I checked on the food, starting to prepare steamed vegetables on the stove top, "Christine?"

I set down my serving fork and turned to face him, "Yes?"

He smiled, taking hold of my hands, "I know we recently moved here, and I intended for this to be temporary anyhow, so how would you feel about a larger home? One our children can play in?"

"Children?" I smiled, hoping that he thought the same way I did, "So we are going to have many?"

I was beyond the boundaries of excitement - my maternal hormones running wild and Erik, too, very pleased, "You wouldn't mind?"

"Oh no. Erik, we will be a family," I wrapped my arms around his neck like no one was there, holding him tightly, "But where will we go? It's quite a hassle to move so suddenly."

"There is a rather large house down the road from the orchestra hall I work. We can hire those men again, since they were so trustworthy the last time."

I nodded, unable to control my happiness, "Alright."

"You will love it, my dear. There is a brook nearby where we can reach them to swim, as well as an amazing empty room we can fill with our music."

I stirred my pot, the smile on my face only widening, "Believe me. I cannot wait."


Another female voice had entered the room and I turned around to see Meg, nodding her in as Erik went out. She glanced over at my dish, "Looks delicious. Erm, how else shall I bring this up, where do you want to be for confinement?"


"Yes. You know, the final week. Mother and I were hoping that you would stay with us. Would you like to?"

"Sure, Meg," said I with a grin, "I'd be delighted."

Opening the oven to my bread, all golden and finished, I called everyone to the dining room and set out the food. I only hoped now that I would finish the meal without vomiting.

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