Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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The carriage had dropped us off at the train depot and we all walked out with our bags, Nadir standing beside the carriage. Erik nodded to his friend and Nadir smiled, tipping his astrakhan cap. Meg stood beside me, my arm entwined with Erik's, and we waited as Nadir spoke to his friend, "Good luck on your travels, my friend."

"Thank you, Nadir. And be sure that those furnishings are moved appropriately."

"Of course. Farewell."

Erik bowed his head and tipped his fedora, which I came to the conclusion was his favorite hat. We walked up to the conductor and purchased three tickets, two rooms and dinner seating for each of us. The train was magnificent and I felt a sense of peace overwhelm me, having not been on one since I was a younger girl. Meg went to her room to set her luggage aside while Erik and I did the same.

I, though, was amazed at the train cart. I had never seen such a home-like area on a train before and gazed up at the lovely, brown curtains lined with gold trim. The bed was of a purple, more red color that reminded me of beetroots and I giggled, gazing around my surroundings. Erik smiled at me, bringing me closer to him, "You really are gorgeous in that gown."

"I shall have to take it off soon."

"I know," he sighed, letting go to play with the fabric of my veil, "It brings out your innocence. Your inner beauty."

I felt tears start to form, but held onto them for as long as I could. Since we were out of the church, it was time for me to remove the veil and also time for my husband to kiss me. I removed the veil and folded it many times over the blossom ring, remembering the photograph that was taken of me in the entire ensemble. I had given it to Erik as something else to remember the day. I also remembered the other, which I gave to Madame Giry.

"How could I get so lucky?" Erik sighed out, bringing me in for another embrace to which I began to cry, "Christine? Are you alright?"

"I," I sniffled, moving away from him and onto the green chair nearby, "I am frightened."

It was the complete truth which I could not deny. All aspects of marriage were frightening, especially the honeymoon. I found myself shivering with fear as Erik sat in the yellow chair beside me, holding me to him, "I- I have a duty. And I must... fulfill it," I sniffled again, shivering in his cold embrace, "Oh, why must I do these things?!"

He held me like a father, cuddling me to his chest which was surprisingly warm. I sniffled again, leaning into him, "I know you have to do these things, but I promise it's not as bad as you think."

"That is not what the ballerinas said."

"Christine, their interactions were harsh. Now, I promise, I will not be harsh to you. As I have told you before, I am really as gentle as a lamb. I will not hurt you, not even if you ask me to. Do you understand?"

His golden eyes shone bright like two stars in the sky and I nodded, feeling heat return to my face. Someone knocked at the door and Erik stood up to answer - Meg. She had removed her pink bonnet, looking over to me with a smile, "I am having supper sent to my room later this evening because I figured that you two may want your privacy."

"Meg," as soon as I cut in, she cut me off.

"Really, Christine," she smiled, "treat your husband tonight. We'll have fun in the daytime hours."

A part of me was angry at Meg for deserting me in a situation I desperately wanted to escape, but I knew my wifely duties were more important now. Just as I had sank into a purple armchair, and Erik a red, supper was being delivered to us. The gentleman sat two plates, two glasses and a bottle of wine on the end table that was between, bowing his head, "Congratulations."

We thanked him in tandem as he rolled out with cart. Erik took the 'Do Not Disturb' sign from the desk and set it on the doorknob before closing it - my fear had returned, but in a gentler form. He closed each set of curtains and flicked on the writing desk lamp. I looked down at my plate, filled with just enough noodles and tomato sauce, and Erik took off his striking, black mask so we could began our first meal together.

He briefly touched my hand - which had rested on the table just above my fork - then uncorked the wine bottle and poured a glass for each of us. We ate together, sharing the occasional glance and sip of wine until each of us were full, "For my first meal on a train, I must say it was quite good."

I nodded, "Quite."

He stood and I slowly followed. As he stretched, I heard the pops in his back and winced - the poor man must have been in so much pain. I set my hand gently on his back and felt the knots and bumps from his many years knelt over the organ composing. How awful, "Oh, Erik."

He laughed, pulling off his overcoat, "I know. You would think a musician would know everything about how to avoid these problems, but that is not the case."

He set the coat aside on the window seat, along with his vest and cravat, and laid on the bed stomach down - laughing presumably at himself, "I have not an idea of how I shall sleep in a normal bed."

I smiled, removing my shoes and sitting beside his laid down behind on the bed. I had read things about curing lumps in the muscle and began to put my knowledge to use, gently rubbing his back. I earned a groan of what I thought was pain and immediately released him, though his head turned to me, "Please, do not stop. It is a good pain, believe me."

I continued to stretch his muscles - across his shoulders, down his back and back up his neck where it joined to his head. I heard things start to pop back into place and he began to have a coughing fit, to which I patted his back. He was fine, luckily, and it assured me to know I was doing him well. He said, with a smile, "I am rather thankful to have a wife."


Sorry for interrupting their sexy time, but I have a two questions for you guys 😊:

1.) Who's point of view should the real sexy time be in?

2.) Where do you want the honeymoon to be?

As always, thanks for reading. I appreciate every comment that's left 😁

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