Chapter Forty-Four.

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I read on the ground with the little feline Ayesha by my side, the fire starting to die out. It was the fifteenth of March, the beginning of a warmer spring season, and Erik was out trying to find a way of money for us. Ayesha looked up to me with her bright green eyes and mewed, resting her chin on my knee, "You should be hungry by now, shouldn't you?"

She mewed again as if to respond and I stood up into the kitchen. There was a paper sack that had a bit of fish left over and I set it at her level. She began to devour the fish and as she did I heard the front door open. Erik stepped into the kitchen and I greeted him fondly, "Hello, darling."

Ayesha slurped the last bit of fish, then went up to her master. She rubbed against his leg and he laughed at her, setting down this large stack of wood, "Have you acquainted yourself with my wife?"

He patted her head, then removed his mask to give me a kiss, "So have you found anything?"

"Yes, in fact. Let's just say you may call me maestro again."

"A conductor? How exciting!"

"Indeed," he removed his hat and set it on the coat rack, giving me yet another kiss, "They travel every so often and need a soprano. Would you mind accompanying me, Christine?"

I had put so much into being a good wife, yet every night Erik and I would sing together. Travel, as he said, was every so often and they probably only needed me for their travels, "Of course," said I with a grin, "I am happy to help."

Erik seemed rather happy about my decision to join and embraced me tightly, but my stomach hurt so badly. I felt sick, my face was warm and I was weighed down. Erik released me, glancing about my features in worry, "Are you alright, Christine? You look unwell."

"I feel terrible," said I, gripping onto his forearms for support.

He touched my forehead, but seemed somewhat distressed, "You are not too hot, but I should take you up to bed anyway."

Erik lifted me from the ground and headed up to our bedroom, but the feeling only worsened. My stomach hurt so much that it seemed a fire was ablaze within me. As he set me onto the ground, I rushed for the watercloset and wretched into the toilet. Erik followed behind, brushing my hair from my face. A break to breathe and then more came right out - it was acidic and I would have fallen asleep to avoid more if it hadn't come up that quickly, "Will you be alright, Christine?"

"Could you bring me a nightdress, please?"

"Of course."

I stared into the toilet at my mess, then flushed it in disgust. Why was this happening? Why were my feet so painful and why was my body so sensitive? Why did I vomit? I hadn't an idea, "Here you are," Erik handed me one of my cotton nightdresses and I smiled, accepting the garment, "If you need anything else, I'll be in the family room writing letters."

"Thank you, Erik."

When he left, I started to remove my gown, looking into the mirror as I did. I had grown wonderfully both in body and mind, but found I did not care at all. After removing my corset, I felt around my stomach for signs of illness, but noticed a tenderness in my breasts that was hard to avoid. I noticed my lack of blood down there and felt my cheeks flush yet again before I had to vomit, this time into the sink. Everything was slowly adding up and I nodded at my suspicions, removing my bloomers and pulling on the nightdress.

After a quick cleaning of my mouth and rinsing out the sink, I rushed down to the family with the news fresh in my mind. Erik had turned at my noise and I slowly walked into the family room, kneeling at his feet, "Erm," he turned in the chair to face me, taking my hands, "Is there something you need, Christine?"

Erik needed to know more than anyone and yet I was afraid to tell him. My suspicion could be wrong, but I highly doubted it, "Erik... I think we are going to have a child."

He did not register me at first, but slowly caught on. Erik shook his head, giving me the gentlest of kisses, "Are you certain?"

"I cannot think of another explanation at the moment."

He looked down to my stomach and nodded, but I did not expect what came next. Erik sat me onto his lap and hugged tightly, kissing at my stomach, "Now you must truly obey to your promise," I felt tears of joy rush down my cheeks and nodded my loving husband, "I shall be a father."

"And you will promise to be in their lives?"

"I will be their lives, if I must!"

I laughed at his comment and he hoisted me into the air. For a moment, I felt like a child. He stood up for a kiss and we twirled about like two school children. Erik set me down after a moment, smiling down at my stomach, "I must admit, now. I have had an image of us with children. That night, before we made love there, I imagined a small boy playing the organ while three other toddlers tried to sing along. Of course, they all looked up to us."

I smiled at his description and hoped that I truly was with a child. I had once fondly thought to have them, but never thought I would, "I hope we do have a son."

He nodded, resting his right hand to my stomach, "And he shall be loved like no other."

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