Chapter Thirty-Seven.

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After being bathed at nine, Meg and Madame Giry sat with me in the rather large lavatory, preparing for the wedding. Madame was pinning my hair into this elegant up-do, with two ringlets hanging on either side of my face. She smiled, patting my hair upwards, "This was the fashion when I was married. It truly is classic."

I smiled at the part and I stood up so she could tighten my corset properly. Meg fluffed out my wedding gown just as Madame tied the laces of my corset together and I took white gown into my arms. Meg straightened her bridesmaid dress and I stepped into the gown, allowing Madame to tie my laces once again. Augustine, who was likely twelve years old, came into the lavatory with her pink gown on. Madame finished the big bow in the back of my dress and Augustine smiled at me, adjusting her bonnet, "You look beautiful, Christine. Like a fairytale princess."

"Thank you," I smiled, placing a ring of orange blossoms on my head, "Did you need something, Augustine?"

She nodded, "My dress is a little lose. Could you fix it?"


I grabbed my pink spool and a needle, observing the back of the dress. I laughed when I figured it was a simple mistake, setting my sowing tools aside, "Someone didn't tie you tightly enough."

I unlaced her bow and she laughed, "Emilia is terrible at tying. I do not understand why I let her do it."

Once she was tied tightly, Madame secured each side of my veil on the orange blossom ring around my head. She began to cry when she looked at me, then took my hand, "Oh my," she sighed, guiding me to the mirror, "Christine, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Many will look at you."

I glanced at myself in the mirror - my cheeks were flushed pink, my lips red, my hair shined a deep gold color, just like Erik's eyes, and I had the perfect figure. Madame was right - I had shaped into the picture perfect bride. I smiled at Madame, "Thank you."

"Christine," Meg smiled at me, "You will visit us, right?"

"Meg, you're going on the honeymoon as my chaperone. But even so, why wouldn't I visit you?" I gazed at both Madame and at Meg, feeling tears come to my eyes I sniffled, "I am going to miss you both."

"Come on, Christine," Madame smiled, embracing me from my side, "This is the said to be the best day of your life, so no tears."

I laughed, drying my eyes and putting the veil over my face, "Thank you, Madame."

A soft, high bell sounded from outside and I smiled - the wedding carriage. I had never been to Notre-Dame before and the fact that I would be getting married in the said lovely made me smile, "Pierre, come on!" Meg shouted at the ten-year-old, "You must carry Christine's train."

The young boy just began training in the ballet before the incident happened and it was my first time seeing him. He had brown hair, a petite, round face and crystal blue eyes that somewhat reminded me of Raoul and as he picked up my train, we went downstairs to catch the carriage.

We had a large, mauve carriage driven by two white horses, Emilia, Augustine, Meg, Rachel and Victoria all in a line behind Pierre. Madame smiled and took my hand to help me into the carriage, Pierre releasing my train. I bunched the fabric by my feet and Meg put two large bags on top of the carriage - bags of which I would need for the honeymoon. Meg was the last one seated, directly by me was Pierre who would have to carry my train again, and she took a seat beside the young boy.

The carriage rolled off and I noticed Rachel and Victoria, who were says to be the most innocent of ballet whores, staring at me. They talked amongst each other for a few moments and I laughed inside for even thinking to invite them, "Christine," Victoria smiled, looking up at my hair, "How do you get your hair so perfectly curly?"

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