Chapter Thirty-Five.

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Letters had been sent out to everyone we knew. Erik sent a letter to Nadir and I, to Madame Giry, Meg and four other ballerinas I was close with - since there had to be five girls for the bouquet catch. In the red room's loveseat, I sat comfortably with cup of tea that Erik had made me which was much more strong and pungent than I was used to. He made himself a glass, then sat beside me, "So," I spoke setting down the teacup and coaster, "what did Madame say about our marriage?"

He smiled, setting down his teacup after a sip, "She gave us her blessing, but still doubts our marriage could last."

I nodded, "Well, our wedding will be this Wednesday so we may have our honeymoon until Sunday."

As a woman, I was frightened about the honeymoon. The ballet girls spoke of such an encounter as the truest pain to experience. Erik stared at me for a moment and he must have known what I was feeling about it, "The honeymoon is not that terrible, my dear. Until nighttime, it is rather relaxing," I nod my head, picking up the glasses for another sip of tea, "Besides, I have a gift for you that I hope you shall love."

I became excited, knowing gifts were always fun, "What is it?"

"Ah, ah," he smiled, kissing my cheek, "It is a secret. You will not see it until after our honeymoon."

I knew from books that I had accidentally touched about wedding nights and honeymoons, not to mention the ballet girls who would explain those types of things in perfect detail, but I still could not understand and was rather innocent to those encounters. Erik set down his teacup and embraced me tightly, "You'll be alright," he whispered, "I know you shall."

A soft knock at the door and Erik stood up, "I'll be right back."

I saw four gentlemen enter, along with Nadir, and watched as Erik began to tour them through the house. He showed them every little thing - every trinket and chest to his organ and the red loveseat I sat on, "Now if you happen to destroy anything, your lives shall be a never-ending hell. I suggest you do this as gentle as you can."

"What about the cat?"

"She'll be with my wife on our honeymoon."


The other four gentlemen left, but Nadir presided. He looked to Erik with a nod, then to me, "Congratulations, Mademoiselle."

"Thank you, Nadir. It took some time to truly do this."

"Of course. I assume you are preparing for all of the trials of the honeymoon?-"

"Daroga, do not frighten her further," Erik warned, sitting beside me with his arm round my waist, "Believe me, she is frightened enough."

"Well it is a hard time for the lady, Erik. But then again, you wouldn't know."

Erik became rather silent, but I wondered what Nadir meant by 'he didn't know'. He did not know what? Was it something that he had to do in order to solidify this? I was more confused than ever, "Do not worry your little head, Mademoiselle," Nadir said, "The honeymoon is a beautiful thing and once you have entered this wedded home together, you shall be very happy."

"Please, Monsieur," Erik spoke, "If you will leave us to our peace, that would be greatly appreciated."

"Alright. A question, first. When is the wedding? You said I was to be the best man, so I need that information."

"This Wednesday," I said, "The fourteenth of February."

Nadir smiled and I knew exactly why - the date of our wedding. The fourteenth of February was a celebratory day of love named Valentine's day. I choose the date appropriately with that thought in mind, but then realized whom I had invited. I was not sure how Meg would see me after this ceremony, especially since she was my first bridesmaid and had to accompany Erik and I on our honeymoon. This was so very frightening, "Thank you, Mademoiselle. I shall be there."

It was so touching to know that Nadir was coming to the wedding and as he left, Erik had held me tighter. I wondered about their relationship as friends - how did they come to know each other? I knew Nadir said he met Erik in Persia, but under what circumstances, "Monsieur Khan can be somewhat of a bother, sometimes," Erik sighed, "But when he is not, his companionship is loyal."

I nodded, turning my head and kissing his now unmasked cheek. He closed his eyes and I snuggled into his chest like a child, "Are you happy, Erik?"

"I am rather flattered that you want to be my wife. But I hope you aren't doing this only from pity."

"No," I smiled, wrapping my arms round him, "I have many other reasons."

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