Chapter Eight: Is This Seat Taken?

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Rey's POV - - - -

I've had smooth sailing at this school for a week now. But I still get lost. It happens right? Finn leads me to my locker everyday. Except today. Finn is gone. Well sick. It's lunch and I am enjoying myself in the very quiet lunch room. It's always like this. Everyone goes off campus at lunch.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked up at Kylo.

"No. It's not" I looked down and at him again. I must admit there is something about him.

"The name's Kylo. Kylo Ren." He said.

"I'm Rey." I smiled and looked back at my English work.

"Tell me about yourself Rey."

"I just met you. "

"So. How are you supposed to make friends?"

"Well, besides the point I did."

"You did?"

"Yes, I'm Rey."

"There has to be more?"

"Well, you asked. Apparently at the beginning of summer I, I had an accident. And I can only remember my terrible Hell like elementary school days. I moved because my father thought that it would give me a chance to start over. You see, when I went back to my school. I felt so much pressure to remember people and I actually had many anxiety attacks. I would not go to class I would be outside the school, in pain.... trying to remember. You?"

"Wow.... I'm sorry. Well I probably hang out with the wrong people, but they don't ask about my past. Which is something I would like to forget. I moved here at the beginning of the Summer and live in an apartment and work most of the week, but still have the support of my parents. "

"Well, nice to meet you Kylo. I have to go though." I started cleaning up my stuff.

"Why? There is still 10 minutes left of lunch."

"Well I get lost in this school and I want to have time to find my locker and my next class."

"I'll help you... If you want."

"Okay, thanks." I handed him my class schedule and locker number.

Kylo's POV --- -

How had this happened? Really Ren?

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked after all the silence.

"Ya, sure."

"Why are people afraid of you? I have been told to stay away from you and that you are dangerous."

"Who told you that?"

"My friend, Finn."

"Oh, Well, at this school what you do after school is none of their concern, even if it is right outside the doors... I punched Hux. Everyone labled me as scary.."


"My best friend. He is part of the group I mentioned."

"What provoked you to punch him?

"He asked about my past. Why I left?"

"You left someone didn't you? When I left I feel like I left so many people, people that I couldn't remember."

"You got me. Its why I left. Umm Rey here's your locker, once you put the combo in kick it, it should open, and your class is right down that hall, turn right, first door on the left."

"Did I do something?"

"I gotta go Rey." I walked away. I could feel her eyes drilling holes in my back. Why did I do that? I wanted to stay away. But I couldn't I can't.

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