Chapter Forty-six

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Ben's POV - -

After brunch I sent Rey and James back to my apartment so they could settle in.

I came home to music coming from the kitchen and the smell of food. Which was extremely out of place for me. I usually have a microwavable meal.

I set down my things and walked over to the kitchen.

"Hi Ben." Rey said. James smiled at me and continued playing with the utensils. "How was work?" Rey asked.

"A ton of people, some angry, some not, the usual."

"Oh, okay. But I was thinking that we could make a movie night out of this since you only have these two chair here."

"Ya, that works. James, do you want to come and pick a movie out?"

He nodded and came with me to my small living room. He picked out Disney movies. But only God knows how many times he has seen them.

Rey came in with some plates full of food. She sat down and handed James his plate.

"What did we decide on? " She asked.

"Tarzan!" James said excitedly. I smiled.

"Oh. Great." She widened her eyes. Yep. He's seen that a lot.

As the night went on James slowly calmed down and slowly fell asleep.

Rey got up and covered the sleeping boy with a blanket. I got up and grabbed the dishes. She followed me to the kitchen. 

"Thank you Rey for dinner." I said as I placed the dishes in the sink. She didn't say anything.  I turned around.
She wasn't there.

I walked over to see if she was in the living room only to find her on the balcony. I walked out there.

"Is something wrong Rey?"

"No. It's just. .  I'm sorry, for everything . I can't believe I thought not having you in his life was a good thing."

"Rey, you did what you thought was right. I understand that. You are a good mother Rey. You have done really well without me."

"Thanks. " She looked at me and smiled. I looked into her green eye.
I placed my hand on hers.

"I've missed you Rey."

"I've missed you too Ben." I leaned in and kissed her. I suddenly felt whole again.  Like nothing was missing.



"Marry me?"

"I thought you would never ask." She smiled then kissed me.

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