Chapter Twenty-five: Goodbye

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Ben's POV ~ ~

I drove up a familiar road to home. I walked in.

"Ben?" Dad asked from the kitchen.

"Ya. It's me."

"Son,  your call scared your mother. Go. Go and talk to her." He walked in, "my God Ben, what happened to you."
"It's nothing dad."

"You sure cause. I don't know. You have a giant cut across your face."

"Some idiot."

"Well your mother is going to freak. Minds well Clean it up first before you see her."

"Dad." He stopped." I'm sorry for every fight. I realize now how much trouble I caused you guys. I... I love you."

He looked at me weird then hugged me. "You did nothing wrong and you never will.  You are my son and I will always love you. "

Rey's POV ~ ~

The phone started ringing.

-"Rey,  Han just told me he walked in. He hasn't talked to me yet.

"Stall him the best you can. I'm fifteen minutes away."

"Okay. Once he le....
She hung up the phone he must of walked in.

"Poe. Drive faster."

"Do you want to get there or be arrested Rey.  Let me drive. "

Ben's POV ~ ~

I heard her talking on the phone.  When I walked in she hung it up.

"Ben. Oh Ben. What happened to your face?"

"It doesn't matter. "

"It needs to be Cleaned. A hospital Ben."

"Mother. I'll worry about it. "

She looked like she wanted to protest.

"It's leaving my car here tonight.  I hope you don't mind." I said. She shook her head.

"Ben. I love you, you know. I would die if anything happened to you and you didn't come home."

"I love you too mother. But that's the thing. I'm leaving. I'm moving on."

"Leaving California? "

"In a sense."

She stopped cutting vegetables when I answered. 

"In a sense? I'm not letting you leave till you have a solid plan Ben."

"That's why I'm here. Tonight. . Im.. "

She looked at me. I just couldn't it's too hard. I walked up and hugged her.
"Don't worry Ben. The future is scary and there will be many bumps along the way. But nothing you can't get through. " She's acting weird.

I released her, " I gotta go mother."

"Bye Ben." I walked out the door a d down the street. I am taking the path we used to take to get to our spot. 

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