Chapter Twenty-three:

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Rey's POV - - -

"That you knew me. The accident.  My past, Kylo, you know me. You were there when I woke up!"

"What you forgot I couldn't.  It haunted me everyday. Memory is pain."

"But what about the good memories?"

He didn't say anything. Why?

"When I told you to get out that day, I cried when you left. I never knew why. Like part of me was sad that you were leaving. " he stopped walking.  "Kylo, I care about you. You know me. even if I never remember I can't live without you.  Everytime I'm around you it all feels right. I feel whole." I started crying. He came towards me, grabbed me and kissed me.
"I'm Ben." "It's been awhile since I had a friend." "Me too." "I want you to stay for the entire prom." "Rey, you don't have to do this. There's nothing to prove. "
I backed up from him. I... I remember. I remember everything.


"No. My name is not Ben. It's Kylo Ren!" I fell back, "... and I work for Snoke and the First Order and I'm..... I'm dangerous.  You've been told that before Rey. Stay away from me."  He  started to walk away.

"No. You're not."

"Rey, don't you see. My life has been a living Hell since you've came. The pain is back. My life is harder.  It's become unbareable. I can't live this life anymore. I'm sorry Rey, but you have to move on. You have to live without me."

He ran down the alleyway. Away from me. I started to go after him.

"Rey." Finn grabbed my arm.

"You don't understand,  I found him, I need to go after him."

"Rey, no you don't it's dangerous. "

Poe came running up.

"Poe what are you doing here?"

"Rey, you didn't show up, I call Poe to see if you went home." Finn answered.

"Well, okay,  I need to go."

"Rey why?" Poe asked.

"Don't you see. I remember,  Ben," I pointed, " the man I love is about to do something that he can't come back from. I need to go. I can't live with out him."

"Rey... you remember? " Asked Poe

"Yes, now let me go."

"Okay." He said.

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