Chapter Fifteen : May I

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Kylo's POV - -

"Yes mother." I was sitting the counter, " I know mother. I'm just about to leave. Don't worry." I hung up the phone and sighed.

"Ok Kylo. I am ready. It's a good thing Hux is working tonight. I can just imagine the scarring comment that would come out of his mouth." I looked at her and laughed.

"Well what so you think. Do I pull off second choice?"

"You look great Gwen." She was in a sliver dress. She smiled. I got up and gestured to the door. "Shall we?"

Rey's POV - -

"Rey. Finn just pulled up. You almost ready? "

"Ya." I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup. I had but my hair into a bun. I didn't know what else to do. I walked downstairs with my flowy chiffon dress and red heels to match. Finn was standing in the living room. He smiled at me when I got downstairs.

"Why Finn, who knew you could wear something besides a t-shirt and jeans."

"You should talk ms. hoodie." I laughed and wrapped my arm around his.

"You two kids have fun. No shinanogens."

"Bye Poe!" I said.

When we got there it was like the room was buzzing. People were everywhere and they all were doing something. Finn grabbed my hand and dragged me to his parents table. I was glad to sit down.

"So Rey, we have heard non stop about you. It is so nice to finally meet you. "

"It's so nice to meet you too. But honestly the only thing I know about you is that your his parents. It's a shame that he hasn't told me more. You seem like wonderful people. " They laughed.

"Well I know you haven't known him long but that's something you need to know. He doesn't tell anyone he knows about us." Finn's mother said, "well I'm Diana and this is Jim." I shook both of their hands. I smiled.

"Rey I am going to go get something to drink. Care to join me?"

"I'd love to." I smiled at his parents and went with Finn. On the way to the bar he got distracted by people he knew so I made the journey myself.

"Water please. " the tender place a glass with water in front of me. I smiled and turned around to get a better look at the room.

"Having a good time?" I turned my head to see Kylo.

"Yes besides the ackward conversation I had with Finn's parents."

"Ya. I can see why that'd be ackward. " He smiled at me.

"So you here alone?"

"No I am here with Phasma. I think she is talking to Finn's parents. She , out of the three of us, actually met his parents. She's like really good friends with them."

"Well, she can take my spot in that department then."

"If you'd like I can get her to act like a good friend of yours to make a better impression. "

"No. No. That's not needed."

"How bout a dance then?"

"It's love to dance with you." I set down my drink and grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. This event was like a mix between a prom, wedding and an actual committee event. They have a dance floor and everything.

When he put his hand on my waist I notices that his touch was soft. I smiled at him. We started moving to the music. It all in a a way became a blur. I could only see him.

"You look great Rey."

"Thank you. Kylo Ren you look really handsome." He laughed.

"I could tell there was a bit of sarcasm."

"Well, you don't look comfortable. When was the last time you were in a tux?"

"Junior prom. "

"Oh so like a year? "

"Just about."

I looked into his eyes. There was something about them. Something that I felt like I've seen before. And besides that. I just feel like myself around him. I feel comfortable. With Finn I feel like I'm trying to be someone I'm not.

"Rey, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm great. I was just thinking. "

"Ok." He smiled at me and moved closer. I stared into his brown eyes. They were melting me. I moved my head closer and closed my eyes. The moment was beautiful. I felt my lips yearning his.

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