Chapter Eleven : What's your Address

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Kylo's POV - - -

I woke up to five hundred text and voicemails. Before I could look at them the phone started to ring. It was my mother.

"Hello." I said answering the phone.

"Benjamin Solo, you finally answered the phone. "

"Sorry mom, I just woke up. What's up? "

"Well I just wanted to inform you that your father and I will becoming up this upcoming weekend. We will be there for a very fancy event and guess what."


"You are coming."

"Mother. Why?"

"Don't ask why. You are, find a date."

"Mother. I cant. "

"You will. And it can't be your very messed up friend Hux." She hung up before I could say anything. I got ready and walked out to Phasma and Hux in the kitchen.

"Wow, you don't look happy." Hux said.

"Well, ya, my parents are coming down for a serious event, that's not the problem though. "

"What is?" Phasma asked.

"They are forcing me to go and I have to find a date."

"Oh." Phasma said. Then she looked up at me and smiled and nodded her head. She got me. She knew what I was thinking. Who I was thinking about Rey.

I smiled and preceded on my daily routine. Once I got to school I had a huge smile on my face. Phasma nudged me. "I got you Ben." I looked at her and went to find Rey. I couldn't find her. So I waited till lunch. Still no Rey. Not even Finn. Maybe they are at lunch. I pulled out my phone and text Poe.

"Hey Poe. Did Rey come to school today?"

"No, she's home today. She hung out with Finn on Saturday and caught what he had. She's home sick."

"Oh, hey man what's your address?"

"3722 Maple ave."

"K. I'll be over after school. With her favorite soup. I know right where to get it. "


That got me through the day. It gave me my strength to ask her. I'm going to ask her.

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