Chapter 4

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Edited by : Belovedjewel101

Chapter 4

Zen was 10 minutes late and Scha was grumbling at him, “Why are you never on time?” she scolded, pouting her lips showing her angry face at him.

“Ah, Scha, stop grumbling,” He scolded her back, “You’re nagging like an old lady. I’m just 10 minutes late. That’s all.”

Scha glared at him before getting in the car, “By the way my dear Scha, you look beautiful, even though you are glaring right now,” Zen teased. Chuckling, he kissed her cheek. Scha still gave him a deadly glare. He just laughed away and drove them to their destination.

Their friends had waited for them at the club. Zen as usual would do the high five with the guys and hug their girl-friends. They were like a group of 9 people consisting of 5 guys and 4 girls. They have been good friends since high school and been keeping in touch even after everyone started going to different colleges and working in different companies. They would meet up at the club or any other place every weekend, catching up with each other’s progress or life. Funny, none of them had any romantic feelings towards each other. They preferred to remain just friends.

“Where Marc?” asked Zen when he realized one of his friend was missing.

“Oh, he’s coming in later,” explained Jacob one of their friends. “He’ll be coming in with his new girlfriend. He’s going to introduce her to all of us.”

“New girlfriend again?” smirked Zen, “I hope this one will last.”

Scha shook her head, “I just don’t understand you guys. You change girlfriends like changing clothes. Why can’t you just stick to one?” she inquired.

“I don’t know,” shrugged Nick one of their friends, “Maybe because we haven’t found the right one?”

Scha and her girlfriends, Mindy, Kara, and Lindsay rolled their eyes; “Men!!” snorted Mindy. “You guys are just plain stupid. How would you ever know that she’s the one if you keep changing them?”

“Well, when the right time comes we’ll know she’s the one for us,” Zack defended, “Then you will see how protective we are towards our girl, never letting her out of our sight,” and the rest of the guys nodded their head in agreement except Zen who was chuckling.

“Oh really?” said Lindsay smugly.

“Yeah,” confirmed Nick “I know I’m going to do that.”

“Aww, that’s so romantic,” cooed Mindy dreamily.

“Hmm, finally you find me romantic,” Nick raised his eyebrows teasingly at Mindy making her blush, but they kept staring at each other without blinking.  Their friends were looking weirdly at them. They had been staring at each other for a long time and started to realize that their friends were staring at them, when Zen purposely let out a loud cough.

“You want to dance?” Nick got up and extending his hand towards Mindy.

She smiled and still blushing replied, “Sure,” she took his hand and he leads her toward the dance floor.

“Hmm, looks like cupid has finally struck his arrow on them both,” teased Lindsay while looking at their friends.

“Yeah I agree,” nodded Zack.

“Hey, guys,” suddenly Marc was standing behind them with a beautiful girl in his hand. “What are you looking at?” he asked.

“We’re looking at both Nick and Mindy,” replied Jacob, “Looks like cupid has just struck his arrow right through their heart.”

“Oh really?” he chuckled, “Are they falling for each other?”

“Looks like it,” added Kara. “They can’t take their eyes off each other, even now while they’re dancing. Look at them, smiling at each other like couple in love,” she said pointing at both Nick and Mindy on the dance floor. All of them laughed.

“Well aren’t you going to introduce your girl?” interjected Zen smiling at Marc.

“Oh, yes,” nodded Marc, “Meet Clara. Clara these are my crazy friends that I’ve been telling you about,” he introduced.

“Crazy?!!” Scha playfully scolded Marc, “We are not crazy. It is you who are the crazy one. You should be careful when you’re around him, he’s a maniac,” she teased and extended her hand to Clara, “Hi, and I’m Scha by the way, the only sane person in this group.”

“Yeah, right,” taunted Zen, “She is so sane that she makes people around her go crazy.”

“Hey!” scolded Scha and playfully hit Zen. He laughed with the rest of the guys.

“I’m Zen,” he introduced himself to Clara.

“Hi,” Clara responded, “Are you guys a couple?” she asked pointing to him and Scha.

“Eww, no way,” Scha immediately reacted. “I’m not sure I would want to be his girlfriend even if he’s the last man on earth,” she scoffed.

Being used to Scha responses, Zen added, “Well my darling Scha, I’m so glad we have a mutual understanding. I would never want to be your boyfriend even if I’m the only man on this earth.”

Scha poked her tongue at him and he did the same at her, “Kids, kids behave yourselves,” Marc playfully scolded them. “Come on Clara, let’s dance before they drive you crazy too,” he chuckled pulling his girlfriend towards the dance floor.

Zen looked at Scha and shrugged, “You want to dance?” he asked. Nodding she got up walked hand in hand with him to the dance floor followed by the rest of the gang.

Scha decided she finally had enough dancing and excused herself to the restroom. After a bit of touch up of her make up, she make her way back to the rest of her friends.

“Ouch,” she screamed, when someone suddenly bumped into her making her nearly fall on he back but a steady hand managed to grab hold of her and keep her from falling.

Scha looked at him and their faces were only inches away. God, even in the dim light she could see how handsome the guy was. He looked like a younger version of Brad Pitt and she couldn’t stop staring at him. He looked at her and smiled showing a dimple on both his cheeks. She could feel her heart beating so fast.

“I am so sorry,” he apologized waking her up from her trance. “I didn’t look where I was going.”

Scha immediate balanced herself up, and blushed. “It’s ok, it’s my fault too, I didn’t look where I was going either,” she replied shyly and stumbling with her words. He smiled again and slowly helped her to straighten up. She could feel her knees weakening just by looking at his smile.

“Hey, Jeff, come on!” someone yell from behind.

He immediately turned and looked at his friends gesturing for them to wait. He then turned to look at Scha again, “I so sorry again,” he smiled at her before headed towards his friends.

Scha just stood there looking at him and inhaled deeply. Her heart was beating so fast. As if it was going to explode through her chest. God, she had found her dream guy.

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