Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It has been almost two weeks pass, Scha still did not know anything about Jeff or even meet him again.  She had purposely asked Zen to go with her to the club again on the following night and two nights after that hoping to meet Jeff there but not avail. Even when they meet their friends again at the same club the following week, she still couldn’t find Jeff there. She eventually gives up. She has accepted the fact that she and Jeff are not destined to be together. He doesn’t seem to be interested in her. If he does, he would try to look for her too, isn’t that right? She decided to forget about Jeff and concentrating on other things and feels that Jeff is not the right man for her.

She thinks she has found her REAL dream guy and he is actually right in front of her right now. Well not exactly in front but in her computer or her iPhone in front of her. Yeah, it’s her online friend. Ever since she read his poem “When the Nights Comes,” she can’t stop thinking about him. What’s more with him kept on sending her his new romantic poems for her to read almost everyday and night, one in the morning when she wakes up and another one at night before she went to sleep.

She felt she has becomes closer and attracted to him. However, she felt a pang of jealously whenever he told her that the poems were actually meant for someone else who has managed to captured his heart but he hasn’t had the courage to tell the girl how he felt. He told Scha that he wanted the girl to fall in love with his poems first and once he’s sure that she has fall deeply for him, he will then tell her the truth and reveal himself.

Scha sighed thinking about all those things. God, this guy is so romantic. Writing romantic and sweet poems to the girl he loves. How she wish all the poems were meant for her. She had dreamed about him almost every night and even imagined how he look like.  She imagined he had an oval face, thin line lips, a clef chin, dark brown curly hair with deep sea blue eyes and when he smile or laughed his eyes would smile with him but she don’t know why she knew he didn’t have a dimple on his cheek and she don’t think she would mind that. He is 6’2” or same height with Zen with nicely built athletics body.

She can’t stop thinking about him even while she’s trying to look for Jeff. She started to miss him whenever he didn’t e-mail her as usual in the morning or at night. She becomes eager to chat with him, telling him how her day went by and to know about his day too. She would bide him goodnight and attaching a smiley waving a kiss. It was actually her who’s giving that kiss to him and how she wished he was sending a kiss to her too.

She dreamed that he has confessed his love to her, telling her that the all those poems were actually meant for her and they kissed so passionately until they were both out of breath. It was such a romantic dream and can’t stop thinking about it until now.

Zen cast a looked at Scha who was sitting in front of him eating her lunch. Well she’s not exactly eating her lunch but more like playing with her lunch and once awhile she will looked at the phone checking for a message or something and when there’s nothing in it she let out a sighed. She’s been like that ever since she met that jerk. She would sigh and dreaming away. He thought that after convincing her that she will never going to meet that guy again, she would forget about him but that seem to make her feel worst.

She also doesn’t seem to be interested on her online friend. She never mentioned about him or talked about his poems. Well it seems that he’s poems has no effect on her.  It seems that nothing can make her change her mind about her dream guy and he might just give it up.

“Are you going to eat or just playing with you food, Scha?” he asked her after seeing that she’s not going to finished her lunch, “Are you waiting for someone to call?”

His questions wake her up from her trance. She looked at him confusedly and when he nudged his head toward her food and her phone, she looked down at her food and realised that she has not touched it. She immediate forked some and put it in her mouth smiling at Zen who cast an irritating look at her.

“Sorry, I was just thinking about something and checking whether there’s any e-mail coming in,” she apologised with her mouth full and waved her phone at the same time.

“Are you waiting for any urgent message from client?” he asked again.

“No, not really,” she shook her head and continued eating.

Zen sighed, “We’ll look for him again Scha,” he told her.

She gave him a questioning look, couldn’t understand what he’s telling her.

“Your dream guy,” Zen pointed out, “Jerry, jerk whatever, we’ll find him. Ok?”

She glared at him, “Jeff, Zen, Jeff,” she stressed. “Don’t worry I’m not thinking about him anymore. We don’t have to find him anymore.” She told him and continued stuffing the food in her mouth.

“Are you sure?” he asked “You don’t look ok. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

“I’m ok Zen,” she confirmed, “I’m not thinking about him. There’s something else on my mind right now.”

“And what is that?” he asked again.

“None of you concerned,” she bluntly responded without looking at him.

“I thought I’m you best friend,” he said softly making her look at his disappointed face.

“Aw, Zen,” She whined and touched his hands, “You are my best friend but there are some things I just can’t tell you. I need a girl friend to talk about this. You know a girl to girl talk. That’s all. Please don’t be sad. You are my best friend and nothing could ever change that.” she soothed.

He face softened and smiled sweetly at her, “I’m sorry for being so sentimental. It just that I….” his words were cut off when he looked at her shocking face. He turned and looked at what has caught her eyes. She was looking at a guy walking into the restaurant toward the counter. Scha has been staring at him with her mouth wide open. God, that’s the guy, he thought.

“Is that him?” he asked Scha. 

She looked at him and blushed, “Yeah,” she whispered.

“I’ll go and talk to him. I’ll call him over, ok?” he suggested.

“No, Zen, no need. I’m not interested anymore. Besides I don’t think he even remember me,” she shrugged and continued eating unconcernedly.

Zen looked at Scha eating silently. He knows her too well. She’s still like that guy but pretended as if she didn’t because that jerk didn’t pay any attention to her. Well if she still wanted to be with that jerk then he’ll do all he can to make her dream comes true. He will sacrifice his feelings towards her. Well isn’t that what loves all about? Sacrificed for the one you love so that she’ll be happy.

“Excuse me Scha,” he stood up and when Scha gave him a puzzled looked, he continued, “I’m going to the restroom,” he told her and she nodded, continued eating.

Zen walked towards the restroom and when he saw that Scha is not looking, he quickly walked towards Jeff.  He needed to have a word with him.

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