Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“Did you see her face just now?” Luna excited asked Zen when they walked into his room.

“Yeah,” replied Zen with the same excitement, “You are right. She is so jealous! She keep on rolling her eyes,” hugging Luna spinning her around. He is so happy that he failed to see the sadness in Luna eyes. She wiped her stubborn tears away, while hugging him. She had to be happy for him. You have to be happy when you see someone you love is happy even though it's hurt so much and that’s what she was thinking and going to do. Support Zen and be happy for him.

“So, does that give you a confident to tell her about your feelings?” she asked him when he released her.

“I don't know Luna,” said Zen hesitatingly, “Don't you think it so soon? You know, after our acting just now as if we're a couple. I don't think it a good idea to tell her yet.”

“Why not?” asked Luna, “You already know she had the same feelings towards you.”

“We don't know that for sure. We just know that she's jealous, that's all,” he said trying to back down. That's true, he could see that Scha was jealous seeing him with Luna, but is that enough to be so sure that she's feeling the same towards him?

“What if we're wrong Luna?” questioned Zen, “What if she doesn't feel a thing? What if she’s just jealous seeing her best friend with someone else?”

“Zen, her face said it all. She does feel something towards you,” assured Luna trying to encourage Zen. “You have to tell her how you feel Zen. I know she wanted to hear those words from you. I'm sure she does.”

Zen sighed, “I don't know Luna. I'm still not confident yet. I need more time to be sure that she felt the same towards me.”

“Zen,” whined Luna.

“Can we just go on with our pretence? Please, until I'm sure and confident. Once I did, I'll definitely tell her. Ok?” promised Zen and casting a pleading look at Luna.

She sighed this time, “Alright, if you said so,” giving a kiss on Zen's cheek, “I have to go. I'll see you tonight?” she asked and Zen nodded walking her to the elevator.

As he was walking back to his office, Dee Dee approached him. “Your new girlfriend?” she asked.

“She's my friend from college. She here for some modelling work for 2 weeks,” he told her.

“Hmm, very good,” nodded Dee Dee at the same time giving a naughty smile at Zen.

“Why are you looking and smiling at me like that?” he asked.

“I know what you're doing,” she accused raising her eyebrows at him.

Zen cast a weird look not understanding what Dee Dee trying to say, “Don't worry Zen,” chuckled Dee Dee, “You have my support but I think you should tell her directly.”

Zen blushed fully understand what Dee Dee talking about, “Do you think she feels the same?” he asked.

“I think she does, but she's so stubborn to admit it. Maybe if you tell her the truth, she might as well admit it to you too,” she suggested.

“Hmm,” Zen bite his lips, “Luna said the same thing.”

“You should listen to us. Tell her before its too late and I'm very sure she's said yes,” assured Dee Dee.

“Thanks Dee Dee,” hugged Zen, “I'll tell her but not now. I need to think of a way to tell her how I felt but I promised I'll tell her,” promised Zen.

“Good, and don't wait too long,” advised Dee Dee smiling and walked away. Zen smiled confidently. Two peoples had assured him that Scha felt the same towards him. He felt so happy. He's going to find a way to tell her about his feelings towards her and hopefully she admitted to him about her feelings. Hopefully and keeping his fingers crossed.

He didn’t see Scha the rest of the day after that. Both of them were busy with each own meetings and projects. After work, he quickly grabbed his things and went to meet Luna again without informing Scha. That was actually his plan, to see whether Scha would be jealous again knowing that he is with Luna. Scha even thought that Luna would be staying the whole two weeks with him. He has to make it look real. He hoped Scha jealousy would make her realized her feelings towards him and when he told her the truth about his feelings she won’t deny it.

“So, have you decided when you going to tell her?” asked Luna when they were having breakfast together. It’s already the third day and Zen still have not decided when to tell Scha about his true feelings. They have been spending almost everyday together, before and after work, breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Luna wanted this to end as soon as possible because she didn’t want herself to fall further for Zen. He has been so charming during their 2 days together even when they are not around Scha and she is falling deeply and deeply for him. She knew it’s going to feel hurt seeing Zen with Scha but she needs to sacrifices her feelings. Seeing Zen happy was enough for her.

“I still don’t know Luna,” doubted Zen. “I’m still not sure.”

“What you mean not sure?” she query, “She’s turning into a green eyes monster whenever she saw me,” she teased.

Zen chucked, “Yeah, she really does. She glared at me when I mentioned to her that I wanted to hire you as our model for an advertisement.”

“Zen, you really are naughty. You shouldn’t make her angry with me. She already look like she’s going to kill me AND with that, she’s really going to kill me,” she laughed.

“She’s not going to do that but I’m serious Luna, I want to hire you as our model. I hope you’ll say yes,” said Zen smiling and touching her hand, “Please say yes. Do it for me. As least you could stay here longer.”

“I’ll think about it,” promised Luna, “But with one conditions,” she added.

“What?” Zen asked.

“You tell her about your feelings. I want her to know that there’s nothing between us. I want to be her friend. I don’t want her to keep glaring at me whenever she sees me,” she told Zen.

He chuckled, “I wanted to tell her, but I don’t know how?” confessed Zen.

“Well why not take her out for dinner tonight. She loves something romantic right, so candle lights dinner would be romantic. I’ll arrange something romantic for both of you tonight. She’ll be amazed,” suggested Luna.

“Wow, you would do that for me?” asked Zen.

 “You know I’ll do anything for you Zen,” said Luna looking directly into his eyes.

Zen smile, “Yes I know you would. You love me,” he said kissing the back of her hand.

She smiled back trying her best to hide her feelings, “Yes I do love you,” she replied, “So very much,” but that words were only playing in her mind.

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