Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Both Scha and Dee Dee went back to office earlier than Zen. Well, actually Scha was the one dragging Dee Dee out from the restaurant. She couldn’t stand being longer in the restaurant with Dee Dee.  She couldn’t bear hearing Dee Dee mumbling on how stupid and oblivious Scha was for not realizing about Zen feelings towards her.

The other reason was she couldn’t stand seeing Zen with the girl any longer. Couldn’t stand the way he look and smile at her and the way he kissed the back of her hand. Gosh, she never thought that Zen would be that romantic.

Huh?!! She hit herself. Zen’s romantic?? He never shows such behaviour or acts like that before. Well, never in front of her or their friends. Can it be because he’s in love with that girl? She remembers reading in one of her romantic novel that says people change when it comes to love. Maybe Zen changed because of that girl. Wow, amazing what love could do to people.

Dee Dee keep laughing and mocking her telling her that she’s was jealous, jealous of seeing Zen with other girl. She kept telling Scha not to deny it because it was obviously shown in her face but being a stubborn Scha, she keeps on denying it. She would never admit that she’s jealous. She told herself she’s not jealous but angry; angry with Zen for not introducing the girl to her.

She would never do that to Zen. She would introduce any guys she knows to Zen and if she had a boyfriend she would introduce him to Zen. She never hides anything from Zen except for her crushed on her online friend. That is because she not sure that guy have the same feelings towards her. She’s going to tell Zen about him when she was sure that he had the same feelings towards her. She didn’t want Zen to laugh at her for falling in love with someone she haven’t met or know anything about the guy. All she knew was the guy wrote beautiful poems and he’s romantic.

People might think she’s crazy for falling in love with someone she never met. Someone she never talk or heard his voice, a total stranger, but somehow or rather she felt as if she knows him, knows everything about him through his poems, writings and e-mails to her. She chuckled to herself love IS such a crazy thing.

Looking at her computer, she login into her Gmail, reading all the e-mails between her and him. She smiled. Just by reading those e-mails over and over again she could feel as if she is with him, looking and smiling at him. She reads his poems over and over again touching the screen of the computer once a while as if she’s touching him. Gosh, she’s really could feel her heart is beating so fast just by doing all that. She is so very sure that she is really falling in love with this guy. She wouldn’t care what other people would say but she’s confident that he’s the one for her. She doesn’t think she would care how he looks like or how old he is. All she know right now is she is in love with him and hopefully he felt the same towards her. How she wish she could tell him about her feelings but scared he would deny her. Maybe she should give him a hint about how she felt, she told herself and now is the right time because he told her that the girl his attracted to did not return his love. Maybe she could make him forget about the girl and turned his attention towards her instead.

Smiling confidently, she clicked at the compose button and starts typing, “Hey my darling friend? Have you taken your lunch?”

She was about to press the send button when someone knock at her door. She looked up and saw Zen walking into her room with his girl. Yeah, his girl she decided.

“Hey Scha,” acknowledged Zen “Busy?”

She stood up from her seat, “No not really. I just came back from lunch and browsing the internet. That’s all,” she explained while her eyes were on his girl, standing beside him smiling sweetly at Scha. Wow, this girl is really beautiful, Scha told herself, but she couldn’t understand why she had this weird feeling inside her just by looking at the girl and Zen.

“Good, I want you to met Luna,” introduced Zen touching the girls waist slowing pushing her towards Scha.

“Hi, I’m Luna,” greet the girl sweetly. Gosh, she even has a sweet voice, thought Scha.

“Erisha,” she introduced herself while shaking Luna’s hand. Gosh, she even has soft hands, Scha inner self told her again.

“Erischa?” smiled Luna, “A very beautiful name,” she compliment.

“You have beautiful name too, Luna,” injected Zen coming towards Luna and wrapped his arm around her waist smiling sweetly at her.

Scha looked at both of them from the corner of her eyes. Zen never acted this sweet and charming before. This girl must be really special for him to change like that.

“Luna and me went to the same college,” explained Zen before Scha even start to ask further questions about them. “She’s from New York.”

“Oh, really,” Scha queried “What’s bring you to LA?”

“I have a modelling job here for two week. Since I’m here I might as well see Zen. I’ve missed him,” told Luna and touching Zen face giving him a sweet smile.

“You’re a model?” asked Scha.

“Just a part time model,” clarified Luna.

“She’s a runaway model,” added Zen.

“Hmm,” nodded Scha, “Where are staying at the moment? Zen’s place?” she asked.

Luna chuckled, “No, I’m staying at the RITZ,” said Luna,

“Hey! You could stay with me,” said Zen, pulling Luna nearer to him, “We could catch up for the lost time among other things,” he whispered seductively at Luna ears but just loud enough for Scha to hear. Luna giggled while Scha rolled her eyes.

“But my agency had paid for the room,” chuckled Luna.

“Well, just tell them you’re staying with your boyfriend,” coaxed Zen rubbing his nose on Luna cheek, making her giggled more.

“Alright,” she laughed, “If you said so.”

“I insist,” said Zen kissing her nose.

Scha remained quiet looking at their behaviour but she could feel the hot steam coming out from her eyes. She feels like slapping them both for behaving so romantic in front her. Gosh it felt so gross looking at them getting all mushy, mushy with each other. It doesn’t felt like this when you read a novel or watch a movie. She suppose to say ‘Ahh, Oh, Aw’ or ‘Wow’ or ‘Woo’ but she doesn’t, instead she felt like yelling at them both, ‘GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND GO TO YOUR OWN ROOM AND FINISH YOUR BUSINESS THERE’, but of course she didn’t say that but jut remained quiet and rolled her eyes.

“Ring, Ring,” her office phone ring. Ah, save by the phone she thought and let out a relieved sighed, “Excuse me, I have to answer the phone,” she excused herself and walked to her desk.

“I better get going,” said Luna, “Nice meeting you Erischa.” Scha smiled and waved at her and saw Zen walked Luna out of the room with his arms still around Luna’s waist while Luna’s hands were inside his back pocket.

Urgh!! Scha felt like screaming and pick up her phone and answered in an angry tone, ““Hello!!”

“Wow, you really pissed off,” teased Dee Dee on the other line.

“Why are you calling?” asked Scha rolling her eyes.

“Hey don’t roll your eyes on me,” Dee Dee sarcastically told her, “You should thank me. I help you to get them out from your room.

Scha chuckled, Dee Dee really knew her too well, she could even see that she’s rolling her eyes, “Yeah, thanks a lot. I owe you one,” she said smiling. She could always count of Dee Dee.

“You welcome anytime,” Dee Dee chuckled, “but you better take my advice and think wisely my friend. You don’t want to lose him,” she added.

Scha sighed, “Yeah, whatever,” and put down the phone.


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