Chapter 10

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 Chapter 10

“Zen, there’s someone want to see you. She didn’t have any appointment but she said she’s an old friend of yours,” Amy knocked on his door waking him up from his thought.

“Huh?” Zen scratched his head trying to think who this person is when she popped her head out into his room, “Surpriiiiiiiiiiiise,” she yelled.

“Gosh Luna!” he called up cheerfully and walked toward the tall blond beautiful girl. Luna was his friend from college. She had a crushed on him, still does actually but he never seems to notice.  She realised Zen would never respond to her love so she harboured her feeling but still hoping that one day Zen will realised it.

“Zen,” she greeted and run towards him hugging him tightly. Zen was spinning her around happy to see her again. Amy cast them a weird look shaking her head and walked away leaving the two of them alone.

“What are you doing here?” he asked after letting her go with a wide grin on his face, apparently happy seeing her again.

“Well, I have a modelling job here for two weeks. I was thinking that since I’m here I might as well surprise you by coming to see how you are doing, and I could see you doing fine,” she teased, “but you look miserable,” twitching her lips at him giving a questioning look. “Something is bothering you,” she said nodding her head.

He chuckled. This girl really knows him well, he thought, “You really knew me too well. I can’t hide anything from you. Come let’s go for lunch and catch up on things.”

“Hmm, I like that,” she laughed, “Come on let’s get going,” wrapping her arms around his.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Zen smiled kissing her cheek and walked together out of the office laughing and giggling cheerfully.

“Where’s Zen?” Scha asked Amy when she came out from her office. It lunch and they normally go out together.

“Zen gone out,” Amy simply told her.

“Out? Where?”  Scha asked in surprise.

"I do not know. He did not tell all. Out for lunch with his girlfriend apparently" Amy said shrugging her shoulders.

"Girlfriend?" Scha asked puzzled. "I did not know that he has a girlfriend?"

“Neither do I,” admitted Amy, “But they look like a couple in love. Hugging, spinning her around, laughing and giggling. They even walked hand in hand when they came out from his office just now. Cuddling and smooching” explained Amy.

"Huh?" Scha could not believe Amy words. Zen’s hugging and spinning other girl? They even cuddle and smooch? Impossible Zen is doing that, very unlikely. All this while, Zen had been doing all those things only to her. Another thing that bothered her was that Zen has a girlfriend. He never told her that he had one. He would have told her such things because she is his best friend. Best friend should not hide this thing, isn’t it right? As best friend she should be the first person to know if he even had one. Not anyone else but her.

She scowled feeling angry and disappointed with Zen for not telling her who that girl really is. He didn’t even introduce the girl to her and just went off for lunch without informing and worst leave her. She stormed into her office angrily banging her door making Amy jumped from her seat and cast a weird look at Scha.


Zen took Luna to his and Scha’s favourite place for lunch. After ordering and get their lunch they went to sit at the corner.

“So,” Luna said once they were seated facing each other, “Why do you look so miserable when I saw you just now?”

“Well the miserable feelings had gone away when I see your face,” Zen told her making her giggled.

“Hmm, that’s mean you need to see me more often,” she teased raising her eyebrows playfully at him.

“Yeah, I agreed,” Zen chuckled, “Gosh, I really missed you,” looking seriously at her making her blushed.

“Liar,” she rolled her eyes trying to hide her blushing face, “You didn’t even think about me when I’m not around you. You busy chasing - her,” she mocked making an “inverted commas” signed with her fingers when she said “her”.

Zen smirked, “Huh, yeah. I’ve been stupid. Chasing someone who didn’t even notice me,” he said softly stuffing the food in his mouth. Luna looked at Zen who looked so depressed. That’s what Zen had been doing to her.  Never notice the feeling she had towards him.

“Hmm,” she said acting normal, “So there is someone who’s making you felt miserable huh? Who is she? She must be blind not to notice you.”

Zen looked at her and smile, “Yeah, she must be,” he nodded in agreement. “Because, if she does she won’t be looking out for some other guy who didn’t even remember who she is, worst part is she thinks his romantic and charming. Gosh she didn’t even know him, but this guy,” pointing his thumb to himself, “who she knew almost all her life, didn’t even fit in that qualities.”

Luna was shocked with Zen outburst. Wow, he must be really frustrated with this girl to be this angry, she thought.

Touching Zen’s hand she smiled sweetly at him, “People would always seek for the love one somewhere else. They didn’t seem to realise that it is there in front of them all this while. They only realize it when it’s gone.” she said softly trying to soothe him.

Zen sighed, “Yeah, you are right, but I’m not going to wait for her to notice me anymore. I think it’s time for me to look somewhere else too. Don’t you agree?” he looked at her deeply into her eyes wrapping his hand around hers.

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