Chapter 16

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Chapter 16  - Edited by : TheNightSky

Scha immediately saw the sadness in Zen’s eyes. She touched Zen’s hand and rubbed it slowly, “I’m so sorry Zen. I don’t want to pretend what I really don’t feel. It’s an honor to be loved by someone like you. You are really charming, caring, wonderful and romantic person. Every girl would dream to hear this words coming from you but I couldn’t love you more than what I feel right now. I love you as a friend, my best friend. I wish I could say the same words to you but my heart is yearning for someone else.”

Zen looked down trying to his best not to let the tears fall from his clouded eyes but Scha could see it. Putting the roses on the table she walked toward Zen. Squatting besides him, she slowing pulled his face and holding it in between her palm. A small tear ran down his face and she’s couldn’t help her tears from rolling down from hers too.

“Please don’t be sad Zen,” she pleaded him touching her forehead with his. “I’m so sorry if I hurt you. That’s last thing I ever wanted to do. You mean so much to me. I would hurt you more if I accepted your love and didn’t return those feelings towards you.”

Zen’s misty eyes looked at hers. He rubbed the tears from her eyes and slowly said, “Its ok, Scha. There is no compulsion when it comes to love. We cannot force love. It must come from the heart. I don’t want you to force yourself to fall in love with me.

Scha hugged him, “Thank you Zen. Thank you for being so understanding. Let’s just remain as best friends,” she said softly.

“Yes sure,” he hugged her back but couldn’t help feeling so hurt.

Zen acted as it nothing happen between them when he sent Scha home.  Taking her to the elevator and kissing her goodnight like he normally does whenever he took her home.  He put up a smiling face for her even though he felt badly hurt and frustrated.  He has to accept the fact that he and Scha were not meant to be together.  She’s in love with someone else. He did not want to ask her who because he knew what her answer would be.  She’s in love with Jeff. Even though she didn’t tell him who the guy is, he somehow knew it was Jeff.  Well she did tell him many times that Jeff is her dream man.

That was what actually made him feel so frustrated.  She’s in love with someone who’s not even interested in her. Who didn’t even care that she existed.  He knew someday she will find out about Jeff and she will be badly hurt when Jeff did not return her love.  Is he going to let Jeff hurt her? Should he tell her that Jeff was actually not interested with her?  Should he tell her that he actually had to pay Jeff to make him talk and pretend like he remembered her?  Would she believe him when he told her that?  She probably wouldn’t.  She would think that he is jealous and trying to make some bad person out of Jeff.  No, he would not tell her anything about Jeff.  He was going to let her find out about him herself, and when that’s happened he would still be there to support her.

After all she’s still his best friend.  He had assured her that they would remain friends.  Zen sighed, friends - that’s what they will be forever. Friends - nothing more and nothing less.

He entered his car feeling so depressed.  He felt so weak and hopeless.  Now he knows how it feels when someone rejected your love, someone whom you loved for almost all of your life.  It hurt so much it felt as if your heart had been broken to pieces. Would he able to mend his heart? He wondered.

He needs to do something to make him forget about the pain he’s feeling right now.  He has to put all this behind him because he will be facing Scha again tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.  He still has to face her every day because they are partners and work together but will he able to face Scha without feeling awkward?  Without feeling hurt? Well, he did manage to put up a brave act as if nothing happen in front of her just now, but for how long?  Good thing right now, that they were both busy with different projects making them rarely see each other except during meetings.

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