Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Zen cast a weird looked at Scha who had been smiling dreamily since she came back from the restroom. She still held that same smile on her face right now even on the way back home.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked for like the millionth time.

She smiled dreamily, “Yeah, I am fine. I’ve never felt so fine until tonight,” she told him.

He looked at her, “Would you please be kind enough to tell your best friend what actually happened to you while you were in the restroom? You looked weird. You only get this look after you finish reading your romance books. Don’t tell me you read one while you were in there?” he asked.

She laughed, “Of course not, you idiot. You want to know what happened?” She asked eagerly.

He nodded vigorously, “Yes, pleasssssssssssse,” he begged.

Blushing, she bit her lips, “I just bumped into my dream guy,” she told him.

“What?!!” he was so shocked with her reply that he accidentally hit the brake making them jerk slightly to the front. Luckily there was no car behind them.

“Zen!!” screamed Scha, “You are going to kill us both!!” she scolded him.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “You shocked me,” he explained and started to drive again making sure to be careful this time, “You’re kidding right?” he asked.

“No, I’m definitely not,” she shook her head, “I met him just now,” she said casting the same smile to him again.

He looked at her, and he still couldn’t believe what she had just said. Clearing his throat, he continued asking, “Do I know him? How long have you actually known him?”

She let out a laugh, “That’s the funny thing, Zen, I met him tonight, and it was accidentally but one look and I knew he’s the one.”

Zen sent her a confused look, “You met him tonight and you already know he’s the one?”

“I don’t know, but I just know he’s the one.” she bit her fingers again and smiled dreamily.

Zen shook his head, “You are so weird Scha. You bump into a guy you’ve never met before and you already think he’s the one.”

“Yes, because my heart beat was racing when he touched me,” she explained again, touching her chest. Sighing, she continued, “And it’s still beating fast whenever I just think about him. His smile makes my knees go weak.”

Still casting a weird look at his friend, Zen said, “You read too many romance books Scha. It didn’t do you good. It didn’t make you think straight. I wonder if you even know his name.”

She twisted and bit her lips before answering him dreamily, “Jeff,” she said softly, “His name is Jeff,” she sighed and chuckled as if happy with her reply.

Zen started to feel annoyed but Scha was too obsessed about meeting her dream man to realise it, “Jeff? Jeff what? What’s his full name?” he asked annoyed.

“I don’t know,” she giggled, “I just heard his friends called him that.”

He shook his head, “God, you really are weird. You only know his name is Jeff, and you have fallen for him. You don’t even know the guy. For all you know he might be a drug addict or worse a serial killer.”

Scha turned to look at Zen, “You always think badly about other people. I’m very sure he’s none of the above,” she snorted.

“How can you be sure, you don’t even know him?” he pointed out.

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