Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 – Edited by TheNightSky

Scha woke up with two strong hands wrapped closely around her. She smiled the memory of last night – making passionate love with Zen. It was….. WOW. That’s all she could say and think of.  Zen has made her feel so love and desired. He has made her feel like she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.

She looked the time and its shows 7:00 o’clock in the morning. She turned and looked at Zen whose was still in the deep sleep. He must be really tired, she chuckled softly. Kissing his nose she moved his hands from her body as slowly as possible trying not to wake him up and walked to the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth she walked back to the room and saw an incoming e-mail signal in her phone. She eagerly opened up her mail and saw the e-mail was actually from one of her friend. Not from her online friend. She hasn’t heard anything from him since the last e-mail from him telling her that he’s going after the girl. She too hasn’t sent any e-mails to him ever since she and Zen started to date. She’s been so happy being Zen’s girlfriend that she had totally forgotten about him. She smiled looking lovingly at Zen who was still in a deep sleep. Yeah, she is so happy being his girlfriend and now his lover. Thinking about it has brought goose bumps on her body but she loves it.

Her mind wondered back to her online friend. Has he able to convince the girl that he is the same guy? Are they dating now? Is he with the girl at the moment? Smiling she made up her mind to send him an e-mail. She’s eager to know about his love life and eager to tell him about her love life too.  

She immediate turned on her laptop and start typing an e-mail to him, “Hi my dear friend. How have you been? It has been a very long time since I heard from you. How are you doing my friend? Are you still chasing after that girl? Or are you now with her? I hope you do. I hope you successfully achieved what you dreamed and wanted in your life.

I am doing fine myself. I have found the love of my life. You might not believe it but I have fallen deeply in love with my best friend. He’s the best boyfriend a girl could ever wish for. He’s exactly as I imagine what my boyfriend would be. I can’t believe myself that I have rejected his love before. I’m a stupid fool, I realize that now and I’m glad he did not give up on me. I’m glad he asked me to give him a chance to prove he’s worth it and I’m glad I’ve given him that chance. I would never ever let him go ever again. I would be a double fool if I ever did.

Well, I hope you find your love too and I hope you are as happy as I am right now. Now I really know how it feels to be loved and to be in love. It feels wonderful and everything around you is beautiful. I’m walking on the cloud 9 right now and I’m sure you are too.

Ok, my dear friend. I hope to hear from you soon. I miss you poems and I miss you too.

Love, Scha.”

Smiling she pressed the send button. She got up from her desk intend to make breakfast for both of them. A signal from Zen’s phone suddenly went off. She jumped at the sound of it. She looked at his phone.  Zen must have read his mail last night and forgot turn it off. She was shocked to see her name appeared on the screen. Huh, incoming e-mail from her? When did she send him any e-mail? She doesn’t remember sending him any.

She cast a look at Zen who was still sleeping and then back on his phone. When did she send e-mail to him? She asked herself again. Is there someone else name Scha other then her? It couldn’t be, she told herself. Her fingers itched to open up the e-mail and find out who is this Scha? Is it really her or someone else?

Nervously, she cast a look at sleeping Zen again. Her head told her to open the e-mail and read it. She gulped. It’s not right to read someone’s mail she told herself but she needs to find out. Making up her mind she sat at the end of the bed and opened the mail from Zen’s phone. Her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped to the ground in shock when she read the mail. It was from her. It was the e-mail she just sent. She looked at his e-mail address and realized it was Mr. Anonymous e-mail address.

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