Final Chapter

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FINAL CHAPTER – Edited by TheNightSky

Dee Dee nudged Luna. She looked at Dee Dee who raised her eyebrows at her and immediately turned to look at Scha, “Yes, Zen is in the hospital,” nodding her head vigorously.

“What happened?” asked Scha worriedly looking at Luna.

“He…,” Luna stumbled with her words; actually didn’t know what to tell Scha.

“He had a heart attack,” injected Dee Dee almost immediately. “He collapsed in the office and they took him to the hospital,”

Luna looked at Dee Dee with an open mouth and looked back at Scha whose face was already pale, “Yes,” she added, “We tried to call you but both your mobile and house phone are off. We came here right after they took him to the hospital.”

“Oh no,” cried Scha and she fell on her knee.

Both Luna and Dee Dee went to hug her, “Oh, don’t cry Scha, I’m sure he’ll be fine,” soothed Luna and cast an angry look at Dee Dee while Dee Dee bit her lip trying to hide her smile.

“Yes, Scha,” soothed Dee Dee who was trying her best to hide her laughter, “He’ll be fine. Come, let’s not waste time and go the hospital right now.”

Scha nodded slowly, “Let me get your coat,” offered Luna and went inside to get Scha’s coat and they both took her to the hospital.

Scha cried all the way to the hospital blaming herself for what happened to Zen. Luna looked at Dee Dee who was driving and still trying to hide her laugh. Gosh this girl didn’t feel guilty at all for what she had done to Scha while Luna felt so guilty at the moment. She felt so sad looking at Scha crying her heart out worrying about Zen and blaming herself. She kept on soothing Scha who was sitting in the backseat and kept telling her that Zen would be fine. She was praying at the same time hoping that Scha would not be angry with her when she find out the truth when they reach to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital Scha immediately rushed toward the hospital entrance straight to the reception counter, “Where can I find Mr Harrison’s room?” she asked the nurse gasping for air. Luna and Dee Dee were behind her.

“Mr Harrison?” asked the nurse again and looked at her chart. “Oh, he’s in room 165,” she told Scha. “Just go straight to the end.”

Thanking the nurse Scha ran towards the room. There she saw Zen’s mom, his elder brother, sisters and in-laws waiting outside the room.

She immediately ran toward his mom, “Aunt Zara,” she called. His mom saw her and immediately stood up and hugged her.

“Oh Scha,” his mom said. “I’m so glad you could make it.” The rest of his family gathered around them. Luna and Dee Dee stand at the side quietly. Luna cast a pity look at Scha. She couldn’t stop feeling guilty for making Scha feel and act this way, while Dee Dee on the other hand still looked calm and trying her best not to laugh out loud.

“How is he?” sobbed Scha.

“The doctor is still inside,” she said softly. “We are waiting for the result. Your Uncle Zack is with him right now.”

“He was ok all these while. It’s all my fault,” sobbed Scha again.

“Oh, sweetheart, how could it be your fault?” soothed Zen’s mother rubbing her back. “You’re not even there. He suddenly collapsed while we were having our breakfast,” she told Scha.

“Huh, he’s collapse while having breakfast?” Scha queered, “I thought he collapsed in the office?”

“Huh,” his family looked weirdly at her, “No, who told you that?” asked Sam, Zen’s brother.

Hi FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora